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Dicas Reparação SC P47-142GB

Título - TitleDescrição DescriptionSizeDown.
Skyworth 8M48ASchematics16.6 MB
Toshiba 21W12XELRepair Manual and schematics647.7 KB
Toshiba 14K9XEL-090223Repair Manual and schematics566.6 KB
Toshiba 21V10 N10-W10XELRepair Manual and schematics647.9 KB
Toshiba 20V10 N10XELRepair Manual and schematics651.7 KB
LG 32LF500B, 32LB520B Chassis 6M62NLED TV Service Manual. Power supply schematics included: ICP1-TEA17335,960.96 Kb
PSU LG 47LB1DASchematics PSU Power Supply LG 47LB1DA U106: FAN7601 U110: MIC4428 U202: IRU3037 U203: IRU3037 U500: FAN7601 U600A: L4981A 1,678.69 Kb
Power Supply + Inverter LG L227WGP Chassis LM74DSchematics. U101: STR-W6252 U301: OZ9938 U302: AOP605 U303: AOP605200.77 Kb
EAX64998601 LG Power SupplySMPS Schematics. LG 24GM77-BA. IC 101 STR-W6051S.179.43 Kb
Power Supply LG Z20LCD1APower schematics, LD75521,135.95 Kb
Power Supply LG 26LH1DC1-UBPower Schematics. IC802: L6598D IC801: FA5501AN IC900: STR-W6251 288.62 Kb
EXA37616801 LG 42LC7R-TAPSU Schematics U101: FAN7601MX U202: APU3037 U301: LX1691A U304: KIA393F U502: ICE3B1565J U600: FAN5501AN-TE1 U701: FAN7382N 466.22 Kb
LG EAY60968801 PSUPower supply schematics LG PD01A1,425.62 Kb
LG EAY62851201, EAX64908101, LGP4755-13PPSU Schematics. LG 47LA640-ZA, LG 47LA645-ZC. IC601: R2A20133D IC501: FSD106LG IC101: L6599AD2,807.27 Kb
LGP4247-13LPB EAY62810901 PSUPower Supply Schematics IC101: SSC9527S IC501: ICE3BR4765JZ IC601: R2A20133D IC701: R5F100BCAFP 5,295.22 Kb

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