Dicas Reparação PANASONIC

Modelo - Chassis

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PanasonicZ5 TX14S3T
Service mode accessselect ch60 "AND set sharpness to minimum." Press off timer on remote as well as V down on TV. Use V up & down to step through functions. Press +/- to alter values. Press STORE button after each adjustment is made to exit press norm button.
PanasonicZ5 TX14S2T
lack of height with top foldoverR521 8.2R 2W GONE HIGH (LOPTX PIN 8) PART NO. ERQ2GJP8R2
PanasonicZ5 TC14S1R
Dead - F801 o/cD807, D808 & chopper IC801 STR51203M - advisable to get original replacement chip from Pan
PanasonicZ5 Chassis
Trips at sw on after initial rush of EHT with LED flashingProt sw Q502/3 activated cutting off line drive; short out C507 to disable trip; set now operates; R525 300k ½w o/c
PanasonicZ5 Chassis
Tripping with HT lowC823 10nF 500v in snubber cct leaky
PanasonicZ5 Chassis
No signals4Mhz Xtal in tuner dry joints or not soldered; (30v line is the tuning volts & MB is 11v supply)
PanasonicZ5 Chassis
LED flashes & PSU whistlesR821 330k in trip cct o/c
PanasonicZ5 Chassis
Lack of height with top foldover30v supply low due to R521 8R2 hi res
PanasonicZ5 Chassis
Dead - no psu activitySTR51424 chopper chip had internal s/c between pins 2 & 4
PanasonicZ5 Chassis
DeadIC801 overheating - D806 AU02V0 leaky
PanasonicZ5 Chassis
A look at the Panasonic Z5 CircuitSee TV Mag Aug - Oct 1996
Trips with st/by led blinkingR525 300k 1/4w replaced with 1/2w (Under R564 near pug E7)
tripping with st/by led blinkingR525 300k 1/4w replace with 1/2w (under R564 near Plug E7) other causes- R810, R813, R818, R821 330k, C823 10nf 500v subber cap
TrippingD806 AU2AVO (measuered ok)
TrippingAll these items are in the PSU primaryR810/R813/R818/R819/R821[330K] C823[10nf 500V] Snubber capacitor

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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