Dicas Reparação PHILIPS

Pesquisa: PHILIPS

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PhilipsMD1.1ERandom change of volume levelReplace the uP by the following uP: SV03-M11C1-169; service code number 4822 900 10923 Languages: F-D-NL-I-E This uP is successor of the following uPs: NAME...VERSION (SAM)...IDENT MID11W16...16...3232 MID11W18...18 MID11W19…19...3273 MID11W1A
PhilipsMD1.1ERandom change of volume levelReplace the uP by one of the following uPs: VERSION...LANGUAGES...SERVICE CODE NUMBER M12BA1-4.0...F-D-NL-I...4822 900 10988 succ. of uPs with idents 3161, 3199, 3229 and uP SV02-M11C1-43 M12BA2-4.0...SW-DK-N-FI...4822 900 10984 successor of uPs wi
PhilipsMD1.1EPicture not vertically locked.Check whether the sandcastle signal (pin 37 of IC7119) is locked on CVBS. If not, replace IC7119 (TDA8366; 4822 209 90965).
PhilipsMD1.1EPicture has only chroma, no luminance. TXT/OSD is OKOn pin 26 IC7119 no Y. Pin 11 CVBS on 1V DC. Check/replace C2122 (220nF; 4822 126 13473).
PhilipsMD1.1EOSD not visible in child lock modeReplace the following components on the Small Signal Panel: Items 3134, 3135 and 3136 should be 680ohm resistors (4822 051 20681) Items 6105, 6106 and 6107 should be diodes BAT85 (4822 130 31983)
PhilipsMD1.1EOnly mono at all presets.Check and replace if necessary X-tal 1350 (4822 242 82058) on audio module. Otherwise check and replace IC7353 MSP3400: 4822 209 90562 MSP3410: 4822 209 90563
PhilipsMD1.1EOccasional red or blue flash in the pictureCheck and make sure that RGB cable (S40/R40) is not too close to the EHT cable. REMARKS : The modification is not necessary for sets with BlackLine-S tube: QG/AGxx9545 or higher OR Black Matrix tube: QG/AGxx9608 or higher
PhilipsMD1.1ENot possible to switch set to standbyCheck whether R3588 (LSP) is open. IF R3588 is open than: 1. Replace R3588 (4822 052 11338; 3.3ohm 5% 0.5W) 2. CHANGE C2561 on the LSP to 3300uF 16V 20% (4822 124 40784).
PhilipsMD1.1ENoise in picture. Vertical lines disturbedEHT cable was bad mounted in LOT.
PhilipsMD1.1ENoise in picture. Vertical lines bended.Check EHT cable mounting in LOT.
PhilipsMD1.1ENoise in one channel / STEREO detection of MONO transmissionThis problem can be solved with a new mask version of the MSP3400 IC in combination with a new 18.432MHz crystal (items IC7353 and X1350 on the Audio Module). Check and replace if necessary by the new components: item 1350 18.432MHz (Kinseki) crystal
PhilipsMD1.1ENoise in one channel / STEREO detection of MONO transmissionReplace the uP by of the following uPs: VERSION...LANGUAGES...SERVICE CODE NUMBER M12BA1-4.0...F-D-NL-I...4822 900 10988 succ. of uPs with idents 3161, 3199, 3229 and uP SV02-M11C1-43 M12BA2-4.0...SW-DK-N-FI...4822 900 10984 successor of uPs with i
PhilipsMD1.1ENoise from power supply transformerRemove C2567 (680pF capacitor) on the Large Signal Panel. C2567 is located parallel to D6567. REMARKS :Item C2567 is only present in sets produced after wk9719. The problem only occurs in sets produced after wk9719 with SMPS transformers (ite
PhilipsMD1.1ENoise at low volumeCheck soldering at SMD bridge 4384 on connector I28 on Audio module
PhilipsMD1.1ENoise (whistle) in sound when OSD is active / OSD with double lettersAdd 100nF capacitor (5322 121 42386) between the collector of T7660 and pin 6 of connector S15.

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