Dicas Reparação PHILIPS

Pesquisa: PHILIPS

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PhilipsGR1AXSmeary, washed out picC2060 680µ in 12v supply
PhilipsGR1AXSlow start up fropm cold with no OSDTR7765 (BC548) s/c between B-E, C2523-68uF
PhilipsGR1AXShuts once in a while and goes to stand-by.Check C2631 (22nF; 4822 122 30103) on leakage.
PhilipsGR1AXSet will not come out of standbyCheck/replace the EPROM, IC7785 (ST24C02CP; 4822 209 62098)
PhilipsGR1AXSet switches to stand-byCheck/replace C2631 (22nF; 4822 122 40606)
PhilipsGR1AXSet is intermittently not coming on, especially from cold.High Tension coming up to normal voltage but there is no line drive. Check start up pulse to line osc IC - pin 11 of IC 7020. If OK, check to see if line drive appears for an instant at switch on, on pin 26. If so, check on base of line output transist
PhilipsGR1AXSet goes into Stand-byCheck/replace C2631 (22nF; 4822 122 40606)
PhilipsGR1AXSet goes accidentally into hotel mode.The hotel mode will be activated if the set is on program 38 and if "store" and "program +" are pressed simultaneously. However this can also happen when "program -" and "program +" are pressed instead. To block this possibility: interrupt the copper trac
PhilipsGR1AXSet fails to start-up from standby mode, or at cold temperature.Change C2058 from 33 uF to 47 uF 100V (4822 124 42085). REMARKS : The cure is applicable for sets produced in week 9041-9047.
PhilipsGR1AXSet dead due to action of over-voltage-protection circuit.If thyristor 6641 is disconnected, the set starts up. Disconnect T7100 and see if the set comes on, if so suspect T7100 (4822 130 40947) or a fault on the 9 volt rail, probably an audio fault. If the audio output IC7103 is disconnected, the set starts
PhilipsGR1AXServicing the Philips GR1-AX ChassisSee TV Mag May 1994
PhilipsGR1AXService information correction.Service information correction. ------------------------------- In Service Information GR1-AX 91.02, 4822 727 18934 (GB), chapter 7 the replacement code for the U943/PHONO is not correct. This should be 4822 210 10452.
PhilipsGR1AXSearch tune won't stop & sound slow to come on when chan changedIdent signal from micro perm low - Tr7046 BC558 s/c
PhilipsGR1AXSearch jumps on UHF.Check/replace R3788 (2M2; 4822 116 81682).
PhilipsGR1AXReplacing the EAROMReplacing the EAROM ------------------- The memory IC IC7785, X2402 has been replaced by ST24C02CP (4822 310 31886). Together with the ST24C02CP change-over, the 5 volt supply has to be adapted: L5786 has to be connected between pin 8 of IC7785 and R379

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