Dicas Reparação PHILIPS

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PhilipsGR1tuning drift on selected chansht preset int
PhilipsGR1off with low growling noise95v ok; no 9v start up - check C2523 6µ8 & L5524 1µ5
PhilipsGR1off - possible failure of lop tr & loptC2523 6µ8 50v
PhilipsGR1offno HT or 9v ; 5v ok - lopt
PhilipsGR1offL5524 1.5mH choke - can be int
PhilipsGR1off95v & 9v present lopt faulty
PhilipsGR1No pic - sound & EHT OKNo A1s - lopt
PhilipsGR1dead - front led flashinglop tr o/c, ht now ok but no line - C2523 6µ8? 50v o/c and smoothing choke
PhilipsGFL2.30E 32PW9631poor pic (as if out of focus)SVM coil not in operation due to wrong option codes. Check the label on tube and re-enter for your version, EG,05,10,15
PhilipsGFL2.20E GFL2.3EDeadLOPTr s/c, FET 7480 IRF620 faulty - caused by C2423 390nF 215v short circuit.
PhilipsGFL2.20E 29PT828Cstuck in stbyresolder both ends of scan coils leads and resolder LOPTx
PhilipsGFL2.20E 29PT828Csound int. goes low and distorted, rear speakers cracklingresolder earth links on component side of dolby module
PhilipsGFL2.20E 29PT828Cset trips from green LED to red, then back green to redIC 7540/7550 TDA2616Q on audio PCB
PhilipsGFL2.20E 29PT828Cquiet buzz from centre speaker when playing back VCR via SCARTunclip the features board mounted behind the LOPTx on a plastic frame, turn through 180 degs and clip back into its frame (it works)
PhilipsGFL2.20E 29PT828Cno sound from front speakers in dolby or surround modesgo to install menu, then TV config menu and set "external amp" to off

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