Dicas Reparação PHILIPS

Pesquisa: PHILIPS

Resultados 13482

PhilipsG90AEInt st/by, loss of sigs, col, contrastProc chip TMP47C43N-3555 faulty - replacement has metal shield
PhilipsG90AEInt loss of line/field syncResolder 6k8 sm under C2473
PhilipsG90AEInt loss of col, sound, random chan change & "F4" int showsReplace micro/EEPROM IC7600 & IC7601
PhilipsG90AEInt deadDry joints R3671 sm res - feeds from Tr7671 to thy 6670 gate
PhilipsG90AEIf +95V is 1) 30V, 2) 50V, 3) 80V1) diode 6546 (BYD33M; 4822 130 42489) 2) diode 6653 (BAS32; 4822 130 80446) 3) diode 6613 (BAS32; 4822 130 80446)
PhilipsG90AEHumming, tickingReplace thyristor 6670. (SFOR5D43, 4822 130 20245).
PhilipsG90AEFor 5 minutes zigzag edges in the pictureC2630 (47uF/160V; 4822 124 41056).
PhilipsG90AEFoldover with fb lines - only present in 4:3Voltage at cathode of diode 6570 95V Should be 163V. O/C R3570
PhilipsG90AEFoldover & flyback lines at top of picOK in widescreen - Voltage at cathode of diode 6570 95V Should be 163V. O/C R3570
PhilipsG90AEFlash-overs on the CRT board.Replace C2397 by a new type code 4822 121 41926. REMARKS : The code number published in the report "complaints of the steco segment" dated 1992-02-14 was not correct. Production has been adapted from week 9149 onwards.
PhilipsG90AEField reduced height with top foldoverR3508 24k hi res
PhilipsG90AEField collapseWickman fuse in supply to FOP chip o/c but R3503 & 3507 22R overheat when fuse replaced - R3501 390R leaky
PhilipsG90AEFault codes F4 or F7 with no sigs & LED orangeEEPROM or Txt chip faulty - use of heat & freezer usually determines faulty comp. If reset with EEPROM chip hot does not work then chip is faulty
PhilipsG90AEF7 displayed, no snd, pic ok. (all OK when warm)C2843 (220uf 25V; 4822 124 41545).

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