Dicas Reparação PHILIPS

Pesquisa: PHILIPS

Resultados 13482

PhilipsG110Mono/Stereo-indication switchesConnect a capacitor (1 uF; 4822 124 20722) and a resistor (1,5 MOhm; 4822 111 50452) in parallel. In series with this circuit a diode (1N4148; 5322 130 30621) is connected (cathode on R/C). Mount this D/RC circuit between pin 3 of IC 7220 (stereo-decoder
PhilipsG110Low contrast of teletextIn cases of specific complaint, the contrast in teletext mode can be increased by removing D6813 (LLZC7V5). D6813 is a chip component mounted on the print side of the teletext decoder panel 1003.
PhilipsG110Lines, parts of pic blanked & no TxtIC7830 SAA5231 txt proc chip
PhilipsG110line at the side of the screen, pic shift preset not workingSMD Tr7533 BC858 and Tr7530 BC848 next to the shift preset
PhilipsG110Int/no col4.43Mhz osc badly dist - fit earth to xtal clip
PhilipsG110INT START NO STBYD6657 ( 20v ZENER )
PhilipsG110Int start & no st/byD6657 16v monitor diode leaky
PhilipsG110Int pic blanking with fb lines12G & H supply lines low at 6v - R3912 dry jointed
PhilipsG110Int partial field collapse1R chip res in emitter BD234 fop tr on underside of pcb
PhilipsG110int off - no ledspin 18 lopt dry joint
PhilipsG110Int deaddry joints chip res R3619
PhilipsG110HINTS WHEN REPAIRING THE G110 POWER SUPPLY. HINTS WHEN REPAIRING THE G110 POWER SUPPLY. While fitting the G110 Power supply Repair kit check fuse 1559 in the 8V feed from the Line Output Transformer. This Fuse can fail as a result of a defective Power Supply. This 8 Volt feed is used in the Powe
PhilipsG110Goes dead when sw to st/by (no LED) - ok if sw on again from mainsD6657 20v zener
PhilipsG110Ghosts and poor coloursSAW filter 1016 (4822 242 72374).
PhilipsG110Field lin poorC2509 2µ2 50v

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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