Dicas Reparação PHILIPS

Pesquisa: PHILIPS

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PhilipsFL2.26Sometimes in protection, or hor. width variesCheck or resolder on LSP the pins of E/W bridge coil 5521.
PhilipsFL2.26Shuts off and on again on Pr.nr. 1 after 3 hours.D6272 (BZX55B5V6) interruption when it becomes hot.
PhilipsFL2.26Severe Moire patterningMost modern Colour Televisions use Automatic Gray Scale Tracking and while the setting of the G1 may not seem to have a major effect on the picture brightness on a modern set, incorrect adjustment can have the effect of causing severe Moire patterning if
PhilipsFL2.26Set totally inoperative, no LEDs on. Supply hums.R3252 220 kOhm (Start-up micro-sops) defective (4822 116 52258).
PhilipsFL2.26Set inoperative only red or green LED. Supply was 141V but no EHT.Line drive puls for T7506 (2SC4288A) too low. L5503 defective (Line drive coil; 4822 157 63252)
PhilipsFL2.26Set can only be operated with Remote ControlCheck whether "Child Lock" is disabled. To check this, see "Frequently Asked Questions", "How to disable Child Lock".
PhilipsFL2.26Repeated light-up of the standby-led after switching-off from standby.Change the following positions on the LSP: Position 3250 from 47 ohm into 62 ohm (4822 116 52198) Position 6251 from LLZ-C5V6 into LLZ-C7V5 (4822 130 80906) REMARKS :Introduced in production in week 9418.
PhilipsFL2.26Red pic with fback linesCheck ZD6450 (on pcb print side); if ok sus crt
PhilipsFL2.26Range of picture height adjustment too small.To increase the range of the picture height adjustment change the following components on the Large Signal Panel: - Change position 3422 from 1M3 into 1M2 (4822 116 81223). - Change position 3423 from 1M1 into 820k (4822 116 52305).
PhilipsFL2.26Poor colors, no light in pictureCheck IC7207 (SDA9205; 4822 209 31056).
PhilipsFL2.26PIP picture not in order.Check R3345 (4822 111 41424) in PIP unit, check IC7755 (4822 209 63423).
PhilipsFL2.26Picture twists from topVoltage of pin 8-IC7450 (TDA3654Q) on the LSP has raised to ca. 20 V. Check diode 6451 (BZX79/C3V6; 5322 130 34834 or BZX79/C10; 4822 130 61219)
PhilipsFL2.26Picture twists from topVoltage of pin 8-IC7450 (TDA3654Q) on the LSP has raised to ca. 20 V. Check diode 6451 (BZX79/C5V6; 4822 130 80954).
PhilipsFL2.26Picture OK after some timeIC7207 (SDA9205-2) defective when set is cold (4822 209 31056).
PhilipsFL2.26Picture often darkCheck IC7201 in High End-box (SAA9042P/A; 4822 209 31851)

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