Dicas Reparação PHILIPS

Pesquisa: PHILIPS

Resultados 13482

PhilipsD16-IIIpic flashing - int blankingfault on digital board - replacement nec
PhilipsD16-111 33DC2080/25RDead with R3498 1k5 1/2w overheatingLOPTx faulty & replace resistor
PhilipsD16No col from cold - ok when warmXtal X1207 on dig vid pcb proved to be faulty when sprayed with freezer
PhilipsD16No col & poor sync at sw on - improves with timeCheck electrolytics in IF module
PhilipsD16Int appearance of OSD on its own & int pic offFocus spark gap arcing - replace crt base
PhilipsD16Dead apart from power on, Txt & RGB lights flashingIn prot mode - confirm by scope check of coll Tr7657 sm tr - 0v indicates in prot mode - normal when working = 5v; to check which area of set is causing fault monitor the following :- Audio - coll Tr7130; EW - cct anode D6502; LOP - coll Tr7495; FOP - emitter Tr7425. In a correctly working TV all these volts should be zero. In this case there was a high pulse at Tr7425 indicating a field fault; no field drive as L5251 was o/c removing supply to DPU2553 dig proc chip
PhilipsCX1120Sound varying.DJs on earth tags 10 , 16 , 18 , L622 or tuner earthing.
PhilipsCX1120Display - int.DJs on earth tags 10 , 16 , 18 , L622 or tuner earthing.
PhilipsCX1120DeadInsufficient line drive to turn on LOPTr - T534 BC637 low gain
PhilipsCTX-SBlack lines across col pic - ok in b/wC2218 2µ2 63v
PhilipsCTX-EWon't stop in search tune modePin 1 LM339N IC7830 not going low when search button pressed - chip faulty
PhilipsCTXWrong cols - Red = purple, blue = red, grey scale okwas degauss therm dry jointed
PhilipsCTXTripping.D6590 ( BYV95A ) s/c.
PhilipsCTXTrippingD6583 SC

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