Dicas Reparação PHILIPS

Pesquisa: PHILIPS

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PhilipsCP90No picture traces of sound.Break between pin 7 of LOPTX & junction of R3495/C2594.
PhilipsCP90No pic due to no A1 supplyLOPTx faulty
PhilipsCP90No pic - traces of soundAll psu volts ok - crack in print between pin 7 of LOPTx & junct R3495/C2594 (No 15v earthy end of EHT cct)
PhilipsCP90No pic - sound okR3473 1R on crt panel o/c (htrs) or dry joints in heater cct or LOPTx
PhilipsCP90No pic - sound okTDA3562 faulty
PhilipsCP90No colour when replacing IC7261 TDA3565/N4 by version /N6.Add a ceramic plate capacitor of 56pF (4822 122 31772) in series with 1261. Connect the capacitor between 1261 and earth. If insufficient result, replace 56 pF by a trimmer of 22 pF (4822 125 50045) and adjust as presribed on page 3 alinea 7. In some s
PhilipsCP90No colmake sure that the TDA3561A is a Philips type and NOT a Telefunken type The TFK ones do not work for some reason. Try overriding the colour killer by connecting pin 6 to 12V rail via a 470 ohm resistor. If the reference is off check components around pins 23-26 inclusive. Also check C2282 and C2283 (pins 4 & 2 respectively) C2281 may also have dried out.Make absolutely certain that the sandcastle pulse is ok. Many odd faults can be caused by this not being quite right. If possible change the TDA2579 sync chip (it's in the IF can). This also brings into question the line phasing. This is also an adjustment in the IF can. R3055 is the line hold. R3038 is the line phase. These pots may not be easy to get to in situ but I would try giving both of them a tweak as they will affect the reference oscillator.
PhilipsCP90no colpin 6 TDA3561A = 0v ; C2278 22n leaky
PhilipsCP90No chans or display (aft loptx replacement)No 6v to led drivers Tr7876 & Tr7878 - check C2875 330µ 6v
PhilipsCP90No chan display or st/by lightC2875 330µ 6.3v s/c
PhilipsCP90Motorboating power supply.Replace D6694 by BYD331 (4822 130 42606), D6701 - 1N4148 (4822 130 33939), D6702 - 6.2V zener (4822 130 34167).
PhilipsCP90Memory batt drains aft several daysC2901 22nF leaky
PhilipsCP90Low R/C rangeTDA3047 Rx chip
PhilipsCP90Low contrast picture.C2495 ( 33nf ) o/c.
PhilipsCP90Loud buzz in st/bySt/by Thy D6726

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