Dicas Reparação PHILIPS

Pesquisa: PHILIPS

Resultados 13482

PhilipsAA5 AANo field scanTDA3654 7401 & D6449 BYD33G & 3449 400mA wickman fuse
PhilipsAA5 21PT166BDead with HT LOPTx priProt 1571 o/c in series with 11v supply to 8v reg IC7567 which had s/c o/p.This feeds pin 10 multifunction chip IC7015 via L5565 which was s/c to chassis. Usually caused by breakdown in LOPTx
PhilipsAA5 21PT166BDead with F1571 630mA Wickman fuse blownWhen replaced EHT & most volts correct tho no pic & A1 volts incorrect - LOPTx
PhilipsA8.0E 32PW6324/05St/by onlyCould be micro IC7000 pt no 311125054411 & memory chip IC7088 pt no 482220914928. Note option code on CRT label & change it in service menu then in serv align menu (SAM) adj geometry
PhilipsA8.0E 24PW6324/05RTuning slightly high when locks on to a station in search tuneTDA8843 jungle chip faulty - has AFC feedback incorp in it
PhilipsA10E 28PW6515/05Random variation of width/height with pic jumpingPainter micro chip faulty
PhilipsA10E 28PW6305No pic - poor pic lacking contrast when A1 advancedNo volts pin 10 LOPTx (beam lim) - Tr7408 BF423 on main pcb leaky
PhilipsA10E 28PW6305Int sound due to muting pin 8 of aud o/p chip IC7702 AN5277 int going lowTraced back to IC7064 sm pin 98 on control board leaky to earth when faulty. To avoid replacing this 100 pin sm chip, s/c e-c of Tr 7701 sm BC847B (under main pcb near AN5277 o/p chip)
PhilipsA10E 28/32PW6005Sound int or absent or sw to Ext1- esp when warmIC7064 micro usually the cause (shuts down aud o/p chip) - phone amp still ok - pt no 3111 250 54511
PhilipsA10 chassisLocks up after a few mins (no chan change etc)Painter chip faulty
PhilipsA10 32PW6305/05No sigs but tunes ok - traced to small sigs panelCheck options code against label on crt
PhilipsA10 32PW6305Vert lines floating behind pic - same on scartBeing generated in TDA9181 comb filter - TDA9181 replaced
PhilipsA10 32PW6005Sound int or missingPainter chip faulty - Remove mute function by linking E-C of T7701 (BC847B SMD) near the AN5277 on the underside
PhilipsA10 28PW6515/05Reverts to st/by aft several hours until sw off at mains & re-startedIC7064 micro
PhilipsA10 28PW6315/05Int locks up with no R/C responseIC7064 micro (painter) faulty - pin 76 R/C I/P stuck high

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