Dicas Reparação SHARP

Modelo - Chassis

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Sharp66FW53H DA100
DeadIC 705 RH-FX0110BMZZ, CNY17F-2; C720 RC -EZ0258CEZZ, 100UF 200V; D735 RH-EX0875BMZZ DIODE AVALANCHE; D712 RH EX0419BMZZ, DIODE15 ZENER; Q701 RH-TX0198BMZZ S5410N80A ; Q702 RH-TX0182BMZZ 2PD602AR[s.m.]; Q703 RH-TX0151BMZZ 2SD2391Q [s.m.]
Sharp66FW53H DA100
Constant tripBypassing prot (s/c pin 15 IC702 to chassis) brought pic on with limited functions - sm NVROM chip faulty & adj geometry settings (maunual reqd)
St/by onlyD735 (RH-EX0875BMZZ), IC705 CNY17F-2 (RH FX0110BMZZ, C720 100µ 200v - use heat sparingly when fitting new opto
St/by onlyR714 560k start up res - also check R713 560k
Rotated pic (not horizontal)Replaced the following in rotation control cct on crt base - IC1601 VHIBA4558F/-1 (BA4558 ic), Q1603 VS2SC2412KQ-1 (2SC2412 trans), Q1604 VS2SA1037KQ-1 (2SA1037 trans)
LOPTr repeated failureLOPTx faulty
Dead with bangC720 blown, R765 & 766 100R sm o/c, R623 1R o/c & Q601 BUH515 s/c, caused by opto IC501 MOC8106
Service mode enteringVol down & Channel up at switch on - go to st/by to store
Field collapseF601,F602,Q501,Q502
Dead still, after psu & LOP stage rebuildC607 330µ in psu sec & check other caps in the region
Sharp66DS-03H CA10
Dead - psu blown up due to faulty opto couplerReplace Q702, 703 etc & opto - careful not to overheat it when soldering new one in or hi HT persists See Sharp Tech bulletin CTV20010101
Field collapse then deadC613 dry joints
Service mode enteringPRESS CH+ AND VOL- AND SWITCH ON
No sound/pic but dull raster with purity type errorsR631 (not a resistor but a fuse)- D623 10v zener sm & R643 5R6
Long time to come onC714 1000µ

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