Dicas Reparação SHARP

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SHARP Enviar Dica Resolvida
Resultados 1459
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Sharp4BSA DV5161H
int. goes to stbyresolder blue tuning cap C610 near LOPTx
Int trip with front LED flashingD602 1N4936 in psu
Dead with st/by LED flashing - brief field coll noticedC509 1000µ 25v
St/by aft 6 secsR626 1M2 in trip cct o/c
Reverts to st/by on bright scenesR626 1M2 in beam lim hi res
Field fault - pic shifted up with top distCheck C712 & 713 220µ 16v in psu
No raster - sound presentIC1001 (£34 trade)
No soundChange CF302 ceramic filter from 5.5Mhz to 6Mhz
Child lock cancelSwitch on TV with vol - /prog + pressed to access service mode. Chan + to scroll menu - stop at n v m - a red & a green 2 digit no. appears. Use vol + until green no.C5 changes to 5 Red display shows 00 for lock to be off. Change 01 to 00 using 0 button then sw off TV. (Location 4D may need changing from 01 to 00)
Whistles in st/byPut glue over C705 (official mod)
Dead - LED not litQ704 (BC338-40), which had a hole blown in the case.
No sound/pic or o/p from psu - nothing blownR704/705 560k ½w
Pin code resetting when lostPress "Lock" key on rcu & vol down on Tv, press "mode" on rcu select "lock", "mode" "turn off lock" option.
Sharp37DM23H CA-1
Bottom quarter of pic blanked out, no sound, no stopping at stns whilst tuningCheck serv mode settings ; (press vol down and channel up on the set and apply mains) - all settings were at 00 - EEPROM corrupted
Dead - no st/byR704 560k o/c & check R705 560k

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Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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