Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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NOISY PLAYBACK Playback video was noisy.
TAPE STUCK IN UNIT The tape was stuck in the unit with the threading ring about1/4 of the way around.
PICTURE-IN VIEWFINDER ROLLS In camera mode the picture rolls in the viewfinder. Also, 4-5colored vertical bars appear on monitor and pause does not function.
SL-5800 REWIND KIT Slow or no rewind. Rewind kit A-6706-479-A already installedone year ago and unit returned for no rewind.
SL-5600 REWIND KIT Slow or no rewind. Rewind kit A-6706-479-A already installedone year ago and unit returned for no rewind.
SL-5400 REWIND KIT Slow or no rewind. Rewind kit A-6706-479-A already installedone year ago and unit returned for no rewind.
UNSTABLE TIME DISPLAY Timer display not stable (pulsating) clock runs slows withunit turned on and runs fast with unit off. Previous srevicer replacedIC101 x 101 and x 103 (TM-84 board). After replacing the complete (TM-84board), the problem was still there. Replaced Q002,
NEED PART NUMBER Need part number of D1 listed on page 18 of service manual.
NO CHANNEL (+, -) RECORD, TIMER RECORD OPERATION Key inputs for chan (+, -): Rec, timer + Rec, would not oper-ate. Found voltage on key input ports of IC801 higher than B+ to upc.Found voltage drop across D804 only .2 volts.
NO TAPE IN UNIT - UNIT ACTED LIKE TAPE WAS IN With no tape actually in unit, the unit take-up reel rotatedforward as if not enough tape on take-up reel to allow threading. Didthis about 3 times and then entered emergency shutdown.
PART UNABLE TO FIT Replacement part will not fit - input cable too short.Measures 2 1/2 inches should be about 4 inches (3P connector) stock fromKC. -HQ COMMENTS: We are investigating and will advise.
UNIT INTERMITTENTLY EATS TAPES, OGM AND ICM A few units came in the service center with tape wound aroundthe flywheel, both OGM and/or ICM. After removing tape, machine works ok.All machine torque seems ok. Problem seems to be part number 117(Chassis Assembly, Mechanical) where idler arm with ge
PHONE DOES NOT RING I have seen about 10 units with this resistor open.
NO CAPSTAN ROTATION Unit had no capstan rotation PWM pulse wuld start to come fromIC001 Pin 6 then shut down. All voltages checked good around PWM Drive.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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