Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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NO AM OPERATION When unit was put in AM mode, system control would lock up andit would not respond to any key input. The only way to regain control wasto turn main power switch off. Pin 9 IC502 was at 2.8V, Q43 was off, Q25on, IC4 (Pin 8) 1.7V.
IC-5007 P/N INCORRECT, 8-759-708-12, ALSO SEE CORRECTION 2 Both IC's are listed as same in manual. Both have 78L12marked on case, but cases are different, as well as basing. Pls advise.Also, waveforms on Page 73 seem to be misnumbered. 7 on schematic isreally waveform 8, 8 is 9 etc. Please advise. -HQ COMME
CHANGING MAIN PCB Ordered a replacement main PCB. The # on the original boardis 1-615-437-14. The # on the new board is 1-615-437-15. The new boardis missing some parts. I removed the missing parts from the old board andinstalled them in the new board. I accompanied
UNIT SPARKLES THROUGH THE PICTURE, REPLACE TUNER Unit would play for about 5 minutes and then sparklesthrough the picture and popping through the speakers. Finally picturewould disappear. Found problem in tuner.
SERVICE MANUAL CORRECTION, R-538 47K AND R-566 10K R538 shown as 47 ohms, really is 47K. R543 shown as 47K,really is 150K. R566 shown as 15K, really is 10K. All are around Q506pulse amp. -HQ COMMENTS: We will issue a correction on this.
DISC MOTOR WILL NOT SPIN Dead disc motor. Could feel some mechanical binding. Thisoccurred with six dealer stock units at St. Louis SSC.
INTERMITTENT OPERATION AT HIGH TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY Unit will intermittently skip, shut down, or not read TOC.Problem only occurs on hot, humid days, customer does not have airconditioning. Servicer unable to duplicate problem in air cond. shop.This is the second unit servicer has seen with same complain
DISTORTION IN B HI-FI Distortion in B Hi-Fi only. Misadjusting tracking a littleimproved sound quality, but pix then noisy.
WON'T PLAY TAPES Load mechanism cycles continuously. Catch is worn out onplate Ref. #223.
SHORTED C403 Dead set.
DEFECTIVE STATOR MOTOR Unit would play first disc OK. Second disc would spin butTOC could not be read correctly. If set were shut off and then turnedback on, unit would not play the second disc.
INTERMITTENT BRIGHT GLOW, R545 WRONG VALUE Customer complained of intermittent bright glow across topof CRT. Inspection revealed possible cause was over-scan because I couldnot reduce vertical size.
POWER SUPPLY Unit came in with blown power supply. All parts founddefective were replaced. Unit was turned on and exhibited foldover at topand jittery pix. IC651, Q651, Q652 failed again. Problem was found to beon GB board.
PICTURE ROLL IN PLAYBACK Picture roll in playback.
IC1 ON SS-32 BOARD IS THE WRONG IC Unit has MB88551-130G IC in unit which is the number onPage 87 of owners manual but MB8551-162G is the number in the partslisting. -HQ COMMENTS: MB88551-162G is the correct IC - Page 87 has the wrongmodel number for IC1.

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