Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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BLACK VERTICAL LINE IN PIX Diagonal thin vertical black line about 20 degrees from theperpendicular. It looks as a crack. Would in the monitor face plate. Itis hard to lock and view on a conventional scope as it occurs every otherhorizontal line but can easily be seen in the ex
CCD-V110 FLEX CONNECTORS BETWEEN ME-4 AND CD-18 BOARDS Need these two flex connectors. Are they available? -HQ COMMENTS: These connectors are W702 and W704. We are checking withTokyo on availability and will advise.*Connectors are available in RPC and will be available shortly in KCP.P/N is 1-558-805-12.
CONTROL L AND CONTROL LF COMPATIBILITY Can the SL-HF1000 be used with the RME-50 from control L tocontrol LF. -HQ COMMENTS: The basic PLAY, FF, RWD, EJECT, etc. can be used becausethe command formats for control L and LF are the same. However theediting feature cannot be used because the RM
UNSTABLE PIX, JITTER Poor vertical stability. Low output from IC303 Pin 7(CTL AMP).
NO DRUM ROTATION No drum rotation when record button pressed.
DISC OVERRUNS OR OVERRUNS REVERSELY Disc overruns because the optical block jams at the innermostlimit. Same as CDP-35/55/65/70/203 etc.
WILL NOT READ TOC Unit had been worked on by authorized servicer. Would notfocus correctly or read TOC. All adjustment controls including laserpower on FOP, had been misadjusted. Set RF level to correct value andunit would focus and sping disc at what appeared to be co
UNIT WOULD NOT READ TOC Unit had been severely misadjusted, including laser power onFOP. Adjusted unit and it appeared to be spinning disc at correct CLVspeed, but TOC would not be read and GFS was low.
NO OPERATION AND NO DISPLAY When unit was powered on, there was no display and unitwould not operate.
NO COLOR No clock.
NO RASTER, REPLACED SHORTED C502 No raster w/sound.
NO AUDIO No audio. There is no B- (Vcc) at Pin 7/IC303 and at Pin 24/IC302. L404 is disconnected.
DOES NOT READ TOC AND TRACKING IS NOT ENGAGED Found defective Q605 and Q606. Then no focus - IC601defective. Then no PLCK - IC201 defective. Still same problem. Foundtracking coil lead on FOP unsoldered.
REFERENCE NUMBERS MISSING PART NUMBERS In preliminary manual, Page 2 Ref. 1, 2, 3 are missingpart numbers: REF P/N DESCRIPTION 1 A-3247-250-A Holder (R) Assy Cassette 2 A-3247-248-A Holder (L) Assy Cassette 3 A-3241-516-A Cabinet (Front) Sub Assy
CHUCKING ARM NOT MAKING CONTACT WITH DISC TABLE Plastic cylinder on chucking arm, shown on enclosed drawing,is missing. I would like a part number for this piece, otherwise I mustreplace the whole chucking arm. -HQ COMMENTS: This part is not available separately. Tokyo's feeling isthat the roller r

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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