Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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INCORRECT PART NUMBER Incorrect P/N: X-3322-501-1 and correct P/N: X-3322-548-11 -HQ COMMENTS: We have a S/B issued on this dated June 30, 1986 (TapeRecorder #209). The P/N on the S/B for the new detector is X-3322-540-1.This does work in CFS-950 as I have done a few myse
NO DISPLAY WHEN FRONT PANEL INSTALLED When unit was assembled, pressure on front panel caused thedisplay to lose digits or disappear entirely. With front panel offdisplay was constant.
CASSETTE COMPARTMENT WILL NOT FIT Tried to install cass. compartment from stock, however it wasdifferent than original assy. There was no screw hole on the left sidewhich is needed to mount the dew bracket. -HQ COMMENTS: The assy from your stock was the original type, only usedfor V8 a
P/N FOR COMPLETE GRIP ASSEMBLY A customer would like to purchase a complete grip assy (seeS/M, Page 177 for individual parts). -HQ COMMENTS: The grip assy is not available as a service part. Pleaseadvise the customer to order individual parts.
NO FUNCTIONS Unit would turn on, no functions at all, and all displayswere lit at the same time. Examination revealed unit to be unthread butsystem control thought unit was still in thread mode. When power wasapplied, it would try to unthread but couldn't since it
PL802 On page 3 of S/M, reference is made to a PL802. This is alsoshown in schematic on page 39. This is the rotation detector lamp.In the parts list there is a reference to PL801 only. I need a partnumber for PL802.
PULSATING PICTURE Picture would pulsate at 1/2 sec rate.
ARCING PIX TUBE, REPLACE CRT For the first 10 to 15 min. picture tube would snap, thiscould be noticed at the neck of the tube. After the 15 min. the arcingwould stop. The screen would display a white flash when this occurred.
NO REMOTE OPERATION AND NO VHF OUT Found PS301 open on SS-64 board caused by defective RFU87UChaving a low resistance between Pins 1 and 4 of the multiconnector. DCres. was about 15 kohm leaky regulator in RFU87UC.
NO TUNING, REPLACED TUNER Unit was not tuning any stations.
DEAD, REPLACE FBT AND FUSE Fuse F501 was blown, after replacing fuse, humming noise fromflyback and waveform at hor. out. collector had several humps. Alsocredit J. Shirley with this report 12/08/92. Also pertains to serialnumber 7004483.
SHUTS OFF Unit shuts off when during stop mode, the superbeta switch isdepressed. -HQ COMMENTS: Found tracings on board touching (FR-25). Tracings forhigh band LED and power switch touching.
VIEWFINDER Pix in viewfinder rolls during playback and record no U sync.Pix on monitor is fine during playback and record. Note this problem wasoccurred 3-4 times and have had calls from other FSC's experiencing sameproblem.
ANTENNA BASE TOO LARGE-TEMPORARY PARTS PROBLEM The part of the antenna that fits into the case is too large.
NO RASTER - VIEWFINDER No picture in the viewfinder, problem traced to the connectorCN207 on the MV-11 board. Resoldered all 8 pins, unit came on. You couldnot see anything wrong. This is the second unit I have come across withthe same problem, just soldering the pins unit

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

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