Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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HIGH PITCHED SQUEAL High pitched squeal from output when arm moves laterally. Ifarm is damped by hand, oscillation disappears.
TUNING DRIFTS Tuning drifts. No problem if substitute VC supplied from10VZ source.
HUM IN BOTH CHANNELS LOW VOLUME IN LEFT The unit had a hum in both channels that would disappear assoon as a scope probe ground connection was made. Also there was lowvolume on the left channel - all modes. We found the problem to becaused by crystaline growth on IC601 and C603. We cleaned
PICTURE FLUTTER UNDER CERTAIN LIGHTING The VTR works fine. However, when the camera has the upper1/3 in bright light and the lower 2/3 is relatively dark there is anoticeable flutter in the playback picture. This is not seen in the EVF.We have gone through the iris and agc adjustments with
TURNTABLE DOES NOT WORK - ARM WILL NOT CYCLE Arm will not cycle on turn table.Arm slide (Ref. 473) pin jumps out of cam gear (Ref. 460) track.
TAPE DECK INOPERATIVE Roller pops out of the pinch roller assembly.
INVERTED IMAGE, SEE SERVICE BULLETIN # 302 Customer complained about an inverted image on bottom lefthand side. This is only noticed when the room is very dark and thepicture has a dark screen.
NOISE DURING SCAN Clicking noise is heard when scanning to the next selection.All power supply filter capacitors have been changed, also the regulatorICs (+/-12V, +/-5V). No change. Found out that this noise did not appearuntil the STK6922 were replaced with BX1201.
VERTICAL JITTER Vertical jitter on satellite and prerecorded copy guardedtapes.
SCRAMBLED IMAGE This unit had a scrambled image in the view finder andrecorded on the tape. It appeared as though, the horizontal was offfrequency, because of the horizontal lines in the picture.
NO EJECT Unit would not go into the eject mode.
NO MANUAL CONTROL OF VOLUME No manual control of volume, channel change. No data presenton common buss to these switches and Pin 11, IC1301. This line measured200 ohms to ground.
TAPE JAM Found brand new Maxell tape in machine would not eject. Unitsunable to load up. Load ring begins to bring tape around drum but hasinsufficient tape to complete cycle. -HQ COMMENTS: When there is insufficient leader tape threading ring willretract to u
RIBBON CABLE CONNECTOR PART # Need the part # for the connector on the main board whichfastens the ribbon cable from the equalizer board. If opened, thisconnector will not hold tightly enough when re-fastened. -HQ COMMENTS: Part number is 1-563-364-11. Please order from KCP.
INTERMITTENT OPERATION Unit would play for approx. 1/2 of a tape (90 min) and shutdown. If tape was ejected and reinserted unit would run for approx.10 min, then shut down again. It appeared to have faulty reel rotationdetectors. Further inspection revealed that take-up ree

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