Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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IMAGER IS NOT AVAILABLE P/N of imager subs to 9-910-999-38 (see tech info). -HQ COMMENTS: This part is not available separately, but is includedwith the complete CD board (A-7575-012-A).
WON'T RECORD VIDEO Won't record video, audio record and audio/video PB OK.
VERT ROLL IN VIEWFINDER Viewfinder had vertical roll from camera input only. Founddistorted sync signal at Pin 47 of IC703 on CP-18 board. Sync input atPin 3 of IC703 on CP-18 board checked normal. Replaced IC703 on CP-18board, problem resolved.
P/N FOR EF-2 BOARD CABLE Needs P/N for cable (EV-1) attached to EF-2 board (see Page149, Ref. No. 128). -HQ COMMENTS: This cable is not available from Tokyo. Please remove onefrom a scrap unit or wire directly from EF-2 to ME-1 board.
NO PCM OPERATION WHEN UNIT GETS HOT When hot unit does not function on PCM, does not shut off,does not have any function at all, different lights like FF goes on/offarrows on PCM tracks stays on.
DARK PICTURE, R1528 REPLACED Pix darker than normal. Checking video out of IC301 (CX20193)showed unusual symptom when changing picture level. Video was clamping topeak white instead of black. When pix at min., screen light and washedout. Found B+ to CX20193 8 volts - should be 9
UNIT STAYS IN STAND-BY Unit will not power up.
CHUCKING ARM BROKEN When disc loaded for play, unit is very noisy.
DARK CAMERA PICTURE Dark camera picture when unit cold, after warm up unit played.
SURROUND SOUND LEVEL LOW ON TV ONLY Only saw a noticeable level change when unit on TV surround.All other functions of surround sound good.
P IN P HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT, NO ADJUSTMENT EXIST When viewing a program which has lettering on the screen ontop or bottom, the picture on the main screen will be OK. But the P-Pportion will cut off the lettering. Is there a height adjustment whichcan be done only on the picture in picture section? -
FM DISTORTION Customer (radio station general mgr.) complained that FMsounded fuzzy and distorted on this unit. Verified problem by usingsoundtechnology ST1000 generator. We observed waveform by going tostereo and L+R modulation.
STATIC IN AUDIO ONLY WHEN MUSIC IS PLAYING Unit makes ticking sound at audio output only when music isplaying. In Pause, FF or REV track jumps, all is quiet. Unit set upperfectly. Ticking sound was at same volume as information at output.
BLOWN FUSES - MUTED PICTURE The first time in the unit had a bad IC6008 and CP6005 andCP6006. Now 3 weeks later just the fuses were open. Because of theprevious problems I have had with the fuses in these circuits, I increasedthe fused from 0.8 amp to 1 amp. The shop will inform
EXCESSIVE HV - SHUT DOWN This unit had HV at 29KV. The unit would run for one halfhour to one hour, and then shut down. The FBT was found to have a brokenU clamp.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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