Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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NO CHANNEL 3 FUNCTION The conductive coating on the ch. 3 pad is worn off and thisfunction will not work. The remote works on all functions except thech. 3 button. Bulletin should be produced on disassembly procedured onremotes and the fix for this problem.
INTERMITTENT REMOTE No ch. up/down or volume down. Conductive coating on pad isworn off on functions that will not work. This problem is becoming biggerand bigger. Many remotes are being replaced. Many shops do not know howto open these units so they never want to repai
TRACKING NOISE IN AUDIO When using the D-14 and the CFS-9000 on the same DC source,there is a noise in the audio that is equal to the tracking changes onthe D-14. The noise can be seen all over the D-14 including the ground,when the scope ground is connected to the DC supply g
INSUFFICIENT RANGE Maximum range is 20 to 40 feet. Checked base unit output -low. Checked handset output - low. Is there another procedure for TXpower adj using a DVOM or a scope? An RF power meter is not in every SSC.
WILL NOT FUNCTION Display erratic. No functions. Display is cycling as if intest mode.
NO PICTURE, 200V LEAD AND ONE FILAMENT LEAD BROKEN OFF Servicer told me that he just repaired 3 sets with the 200Vlead and one filament lead broken off right at the board (C board) connec-tion. It is possible that there may not be enough slack in the leadswhich could cause the problem.
NO AM OR FM OPERATION No AM or FM. DC voltage at emitter of Q225 was 7.4VDC insteadof 8.8VDC. Although the regulator transistor (Q225) did not check open orshorted, it would not function in the set.
UPWARD BENDING - VERTICALLY UP TO 2 INCHES Picture distortion-bending on top left edge of picture (verti-cally up to 2). Produced only when playing back prerecorded tapes on RCA(2 head) VCR deck. Also the same identical problem is produced when usingSony EVS-700U 8 mm video deck, but in the slo
P/N FOR LENS ASSEMBLY No P/N in service manual. -HQ COMMENTS: Refer to page 4-4 of S/M. Part No. 1-547-030-21(incorrectly listed as -12) is the chassis assy including lens. Pleaseorder under this part No.
DISTORTED AUDIO, VIDEO ON RF OUTPUT ONLY Picture overload, bending, buzz in sound, only when using RFoutput. Pix and sound OK at video output jack.
TAPE PATH Noise bar in picture and no vertical sync (rolls). Foundentrance guide #3 loose causing tape path alignment to be off.
UNIT WAS STUCK ON 530 AM Unit was stuck on 530 AM. Clock worked when radio was turnedoff. No buttons would operate. Tape also would only cycle thru theneject.
WOW DISTORTED AUDIO Distorted audio.
ALL DISPLAY FUNCTIONS (LOCK UP) All display functions (lock up). No audio output. Usuallyholds on CD function.
POWER UP ONLY Power up but no transport functions due to no drum rotation.

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