Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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BAR IN MIDDLE OF PICTURE, REPLACED IC502 AFC CONTROL Ghost image overlays normal video on screen. Horizontalblanking bar appears in middle of pix.
INTERMITTENT SKIPPING Unit would play normally for a time then start to skip. Afterwarmup it would occasionally fail to read TOC. I noticed that the EFbalance drifted after warmup and that freezing the RF amp IC would cause asignificant change in DC centering of traverse wa
AMS FUNCTION DOES NOT WORK RELIABLY Noisy unreliable AMS. No other problem noted.
NOISE IN PLAYBACK During playback noise getting into video resulting in horiz.clicks getting into pix.
ONLY POWER ON & NO POWER OFF, SHORTED C133 Only power on, could not power off. Sleep light would notcome on at power on. No function. Servicer had replaced IC103 and IC105still same problem. Had V pulse Pin 4, clock OK, reset OK, had noiseat H sync.
NO CHANNEL MEMORY,REPLACED Q-308 AND D-339 Above symptoms were intermittent when turning set on and offwith power button. Reset pulse was insufficient. Found a leaky base toemitter Q308 and leaky D339.
LOW AUDIO, CHANGE VALUE OF R842 TO 300 OHMS Customers are complaining about the low volume delivered bythis model at max setting.
OUT OF CONVERGENCE AT MAX BRIGHTNER, REPLACED Q-651 At max brightness, convergence would shift vertically, redabove and green below, with blue in the middle. Found leaky Q651 causingpoor regulation. B+ line about 5 volts lower.
NOISE IN PLAYBACK PICTURE During the playback of self or prerecorded tapes, two or threebright spots, one line thick by 1/2 to 1 inch length on picture. Theposition of spots changes left or right by turning the tracking knob.Did not have any other unit to switch the boards for i
MISSING P/N - MOUTHPIECE SPEAKER Need P/N for SP201 on Page 28 and also for flex board. -HQ COMMENTS: P/N for flex PCB is 1-618-500-11. It is reference #910.SP-201 is included in the front cabinet assthe cabinet is incorrect in the S/M. It should be X-3327-409-1.
NO P/N FOR PANEL, CASSETTE HOLDER Manual shows no part number for panel, cassette holder. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number is 3-558-343-00.
P/N FOR LOCK LEVER - LEFT SIDE Page 4 of S/M shows Ref. No. 7 (2-391-606-00). However, thisP/N is for lock lever - right side. We need P/N of lock lever - left side(The threads are opposite LL-R). Please advise. -HQ COMMENTS: P/N is 2-392-808-01. A S/B will be issued shortly.
ALIGNMENT METHOD INCORRECT On page 205 of S/M, adjustments in AF section 1-34-3 areincorrect. Test point for 5.5V adj. should be collector of Q022, notemitter. VCF adj. is unclear. D001 cathode must be shorted to 1.7V line.Also, in offset adj., it specifies shorting 1.7V line t
GEAR GRINDING AND NO TAKE UP TORQUE This unit had a gear grinding noise and there was no take uptorque.

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