Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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SLEEP LIGHT COMES ON, NO OTHER FUNCTIONS, REPLACE R-555 With unit turned on, sleep light would come on, hi-voltagewould come up, no other functions, no sound, no raster. Scoped IC101 onA board, Pin 7 found no vertical pulse. Traced problem to D board,found no vertical output. Found no 27 volts on Pin 7 of
SLEEP LIGHT ON, HIGH VOLTAGE ON, NOTHING ELSE Unit turned on, sleep light comes on, Hi voltage comes on,no raster, no sound, no functions. Found vertical pulse missing onPin 4, IC103 on A board. Traced problem to Q127, base had vertical,nothing on collector. Transistor was opened.
INCORRECT PART NO. Servicer ordered above part No. (1-237-124-11) that is listedin service manual. Part was wrong size for XR-27R.
FUNCTIONS INOPERATIVE, REPLACED X001 Set would turn on and off manually but no other functionswould work. Only problem we could find was clock signal at Pin 1 IC001was correct freq. but was about 2.3Vpp.
SLEEP LIGHT ON, SET WAS DEAD, REPLACE IC-501, R-555 N DIODES Sleep light on, set was dead. Both damper diodes shorted,R555 on 24V line was open. Troubleshooting revealed no switching pulseat base of Q553 which probably accounted for defective damper diodes.Further check revealed IC501 to be defective, causing R5
NO SOUND, REPLACE T-1104 ON X BOARD Set had no sound. After considerable time spent in tryingto isolate defective part, I determined T1104 had to be open. Bridgingit with a 0.05 capacitor restored sound. By the way, it was very diffi-cult to trace audio to determine where the problem wa
NO PART NUMBER FOR FLEX CONNECTORS Can not find P/N for flex connectors shown in explodeddiagram on page 101. -HQ COMMENTS: Connector part numbers are listed on pages 108 and 114 ofS/M. Part numbers are 1-557-555-11 (CN509, SV-13) and 1-562-583-11(CN506, MC-4).
NO Y INFORMATION Picture camera looks like chroma with no video. Bluish redimages slightly smeared.
NO RECORDING Unit playback was fine. Would not record anything at all.Snow was all that was on tape. All necessary signals were present,video, sync, record correct. Would erase previous information.
ALIGNMENT After installing BU-1C, alignment difficult to perform forRF PLL.
AM/FM TUNER LOCK-UP When advancing tuning manually, tuner would advance approx.2/3 of the way up the band normally, after which point the display wouldcontinue to advance, but actual station tuning would not. In scan mode,tuner would advance 2/3 of the way up the band, aft
SCHEMATIC ERROR - POWER PCB Seems radio would not turn off when ignition switch is off.Found power PCB not etched properly causing continuity between yellowlead (back-up) and red lead (acc).
REC/PLAY "U" SPRING Need P/N for U spring that operates R/P SW.
HMH NOT LOCKED Home management helper program was out of sync. Looked likea lot of dashed lines.
INTERMITTENT BREAK-UP IN PICTURE/SPEED CHANGE SP/LP Record OK. During playback any tape including self-recordedpicture would break-up with white streaks and speed would change back andforth between SP/LP modes. Troubleshooted ATF circuit to no avail.Changed UI-6 board with known good board, same thing.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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