Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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INTERMITTENT SHUTDOWN DURING PLAYBACK We are still having problems with this part both in newequipment and as supplied by Kansas City. The unit will intermittentlygo into emergency shut down. This is caused by rubbing of the reel assyagainst other components of the unit. -HQ COMMENTS: Tok
NO FUNCTION With unit turned on, battery light would blink, no otherfunctions.
NO FUNCTIONS, A-12 CONNECTOR NOT IN Plugging in unit, unit would come on with hi-voltage, nosound, no raster. Sleep light would come on. Found no VP signal onPin 9 of IC101.
SPEAKER NO CHANGE Above part no. for woofer 1-502-923-00 is sub for new part1-503-130-00. Problem is that new speaker is 3 watt max. and originalspeaker was 10 watt. Customer complains speakers are not balanced as aresult.
INTERMITTENT LOSS OF PICTURE OR RED VIDEO Unit would loose video red or raster would blank. Movementof connector CNJ401 would cause problem. Etch around terminal connectionswas broken.
WATER LEAK INDICATOR ALWAYS ON Water leak indicator always on. No part # called out in themanual. We have four new units out of box - defective. Replaceable? -HQ COMMENTS: When the indicator is dry, the plastic indicator appearspink. When wet, it becomes a bright red. This condi
TONE ARM SKIPS The arm skips or jumps when servo is tracking.
VOL CHANGE, TROUBLESHOOTING Vol change. Sound stops increasingly when indicator is 1/2and it keeps going. -HQ COMMENTS: Please check the following: Volume control range atPin 13/IC104 if it matches necessary vol contr range at Pin 7 ofIFA-450 block. If a mismatch exists most pr
POP IN SOUND, REPLACE CAP, SEE SB #258 AND #259 When broadcast video switches to over modulated pix, pop insound is heard. -HQ COMMENTS: See S/B #258 and #259. The countermeasures outlinedtherein may fix the present problem.
CAR STEREO COMPACT DISC PLAYER Loads disc but no rotation, no playback. Connection for +5Vsupply to RF board breaks (right at the jumper through the PC board).This problem has turned up on at least 8-10 units in the past month. Tocheck from the top side of the PCB, ground base of Q5
DARK VERTICAL BARS IN PICTURE, REPLACED R812 AND C539 Dark vertical bars in pix, most prominent at left of screen.
CAPSTAN RUNS VERY FAST Capstan would run very fast. Found waveform missing on Pin 7of IC3 (SS-31 board). Chip had already been replaced. Traced problem toa leaky capacitor, capacitor read 180K.
VERTICAL COLOR BARS, BAD SOUND, BAD VIDEO Very weak picture, vertical color bars and sound verydistorted. Found 9VDC on IC1 reading 6.5 volts.
NOISE BAR IN PAUSE MODE When PAUSE button was pressed, noise bar would appear in thevideo.
NO COLOR, REPLACE IC301 No color, only black and white picture.

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