Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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NO OPERATION Betamax would load cassette and tape. PLAY button was pushed,nothing happened. Tape could be unloaded.
CABLE CONNECTOR Need a P/N for a connector on Page 23. Itunit (equalizer). The one on the left side of the pictorial is the onewith no P/N in the manual. The connector is a 5 pin. -HQ COMMENTS: Part numbers for the cord with connectors are:1-556-475-00 13P one end m
FLYBACK ARCING The flyback burned a hole through the side and shorted outthe horiz. output transistor.
H.V. SHUT DOWN The unit would go into HV shutdown at approx. 100V appliedAC. Found R559/hold down to be cold soldered.
IC301 SHUT DOWN The oscillator on IC301 was not running. We found Pin 34 tobe low. This was caused by IC401/P19 staying high. IC401/remote decoderwas defective. -HQ COMMENTS: Actual POWER ON is equivalent to conventional units whenyou press SYSTEM POWER. Then the s
DEAD - NO DISPLAY No display. No clock signal at Pins 31 or 32 of IC301. Hold(Pin 34) of IC301 at 2.5V.
NO MEMORY Unit would not retain memory when powered off. HOLD line was7V instead of 4.9V at IC301 Pin 34. Found Q803 leaky.
NO DISPLAY Two problems: 1) volume changes activate RGB mode. Found RGBbutton jammed closed. 2) no channel/function display. Found L101 on theA board to be open. There is 5V active low info. present at IC104/P12.
NO SOUND/PIX, COLD SOLDER ON 12V RECTIFIER D-506 This unit had no sound or picture.
AUDIO FROM TAPE IS DISTORTED/LOW PITCH The motor was running about 25% too slow.
HORIZ OUTPUT TRANSISTOR RUNS HOT, REPLACED T-501 The horiz. output transistor ran hot on this unit.
NO AUDIO, REPLACE IC1107 AND ADD CAPACITORS/DIODE The customer informed me that just before the sound went bad,they heard a loud snapping noise. I feel when the set is new and thetube snaps during its breaks in period, causes the IC1107 to become defec-tive. -HQ COMMENTS: To protect IC1107 from static
HORIZONTAL FREQ OFF - HIGH PITCHED SQUEAL, RESOLDER L801 Horizontal frequency off produces high pitched squeal.
SLED MOVING TO OUTER EDGE UPON POWER UP On power up sled moves to outer edge of disc. Pin 68 TC201 isproper level. The only unusual signal is IC501 #23 which goes negative(5V). Changed chips (IC801, IC501) no change. -HQ COMMENTS: (Found over the phone that disc did not rotate while sledmo
PART NUMBER NEEDED Need part number of Gear (C) for TC-44. I have informed theservicer that the part may no longer be available. -HQ COMMENTS: Fortunately, the part is in stock at NPC. Part number is3-550-026-00.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

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