Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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NO CHANNEL LOCK, REPLACED Q2207, Q2208 When programming the set, tuner would not stop on thechannels. We found a constant H (12V) at Pin 4 of IC2202 (Neon Drive).We traced the problem to a leaky Q2207/Q2208 sync detect/clamp circuit.
SHUTDOWN, REPLACED Q653 Set would work for about 2 minutes and then Q652 would getvery hot and short out. Inspection revealed E to B open on Q653, pulseamplifier.
NO POWER, REPLACED C657 Q652 shorts at turn on, extremely difficult to service thispower supply due to immediate failure at turn on. Used the followingprocedure to repair the set: Connect 22VDC to junction of R667 and R677.Also connect jumper from this point to 320V line. Co
SQUEEL, REPLACE POT Customers are objecting to the 15,734kHz squeel. The noise ismost evident when the viewer is adjacent to or 45 off axis to the set, andduring the first 10 to 15 minutes of operation from a cold start.
DEAD, INTERMITTENT SOLDER CONNECTION TO EMITTER Q1501 Found this unit to have a shorted horiz. output and converter(power supply). We traced the problem back to a loose connection on theemitter of the horiz. driver transistor.
NO BLUE ON RGB INPUT No blue on RGB input. Writing from computer comes out yellow.
INTERMITTENT LOSS COLOR AND HUE CHANGE, REPLACE IC501 Intmt loss of color/hue change. Chroma and Y do not look likeschematic, signals look trashy, even when video is good. Traced problemIC501, sync out of Pin 15 was varying 2 to 3 times pulse width whenproblem was occuring.
DARK PICTURE IN SCRAMBLED CABLE, CABLE BOX SIDE PROBLEM When using a Jerrold model 400 addressable converter allscrambled cable channels were dark. Looking at the converter output on ascope indicated a wide sync pedestal than on standard reception and 1 or 2horiz lines early, when both cable output and broad
SHUT DOWN, HVR CRACKED These units would go into HV shutdown intermittently. Thereason is that the HVR block had a hair-line crack. The voltage out ofthe HVR block feeding Q505 would increase up to 30VDC at times activatingprotection circuit.
DEAD, REPLACED FBT FBT (2) transformers were replaced the same week on twodifferent units for excessive vibrations or singing. Wedging did nothelp.
BLANKING BAR AT THE TOP OF THE SCREEN A blanking bar at the top of the screen approx. 2 inches high.It did not vary with line voltage. Tech. had had some initial verticalproblems. Found only 33V on collector of Q502. Obviously 135V was noton D506.
POOR CONVERGENCE Cannot adjust B & W tracking, the convergence changes, andthe only way that the set will come close to being in focus is if thecontrol is all the way to one end of its range.
NO CENTERING OPERATION This unit had the picture centered too far left even afteradjusting the centering tap. Shorting L504 in series with the tapprovided enough range.
FAINT CROSS HATCH ON THE SCREEN, REPLACED D303 This unit had a faint cross hatch superimposed on picture.
NO RED VERTICAL CONVERGENCE, REPLACED CRT NECK ASS'Y The red vertical convergence does not move. Found open coilon the CRT neck assembly.

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