Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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HISS NOISE IN AUDIO Slight hissing noise in audio only on channel 13.
SHUT DOWN AFTER WARM UP, Q1520 Unit would go into shut down after warm up. The shut down wastraced to the hold down circuit, where the horizontal osc. output wasdefeated. Inspection revealed a voltage being developed at collector ofQ1520. All other voltages and devices checked OK.
DOTS IN PICTURE, REPLACED CRT With no input signal, even with the brightness and picturecontrols completely off the CRT exhibits about 12 white dots distributedin a random pattern over the entire face of the CRT. These dots willrandomly burst in a sort of fireworks pattern, dispersi
UNABLE TO CONTROL CONTRAST, REPLACED C1568 Unable to control contrast. Using pix control found ABL #3transistor reading 3.8VDC, should be 25.2VDC, isolated problem to C1568.Capacitor was read 200 ohms.
NO PICTURE, REPLACED R761B Lose video immediately after turn on. Traced video info. upto the base of Q704 and no further on C board. Voltage on collector ofQ713 was about 7V DC and it would not allow Q707 to conduct. ReplacingQ713 would allow video to be present about 20 second
PARTS AVAILABILITY Referring to Page 74 of the S/M, servicer claims that mountedon the capstan shaft above the flywheel there is a plastic gear which isnot shown in the S/M. My manual does not show such a gear either. -HQ COMMENTS: The plastic gear in question is a part
DEAD, REPLACE R616 AND Q603 Set would operate for approx. one to two min. It would thenblow the converter out in power supply and the line fuse. Found R616open and Q603 leaky from collector to emitter.
PICTURE DISTORTION, RESOLDERED 135V RECTIFIER Picture would expand and contract with the setting of thepicture control. There was also video noise in the picture and a highpitched faint arcing sound.
SNOWY PICTURE, REPLACE D012 Unit displayed snow on all channels. Inspection revealed B+to Prescaler was about 5V DC instead of 6.8V DC. Zener diode in basecircuit of 6.8V regulator was defective.
SOUND DISTORTION Two transformers were replaced the same week on two differentunits for excessive vibrations or singing. Wedging did not help.
NO TUNING, REPLACED C519 No programming any channels on manual or auto. You could setthe stations appear on the screen but they would not be programmed in thememory. During auto program, the neons would not light up in sequence asthe set tuned through the bands, only channel 2
INTERMITTENT SHUT DOWN, REPLACED CRACKED HVR BLOCK This unit would intermittently shut down. The HVR block had acrack across the bottom.
NO TUNING MOST CHANNELS, RESISTOR CHANGE KV-2649R will not tune most channels, only 5 and 6. KV-2647Rwill tune some of them, some sets will and some of same model will not.
DEAD, D603G Set will not turn on.
DEAD, REPLACED OPEN R812 This TV was dead when servicer received it. Replacing theGCS, Q901, F602 and T801 restored both picture and sound. However, therewas severe ringing on the left side of raster. All sweep derived voltageslooked clean on scope. Further troubleshooting r

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

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