Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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ERROR IN MANUAL Several mistakes were found in the TC-FX33 preliminary S/Mduring trouble-shooting use. I did not have time to check all connectionsand components but have listed the mistakes I did find obvious.
DEFECTIVE C580 The AMS solenoid would not consistently engage which resultedin the transport not locking into the play mode. We found the solenoidpre driver not turning on hard enough. C580 had appreciably decreased invalue which did not allow the base of C580 (sol.
DEFECTIVE REEL MOTOR Motor noise was audible through the right channel. This wascaused by excessive sparking of one of the brushes in the reel motor.
DEFECTIVE RELAY One channel intermittently records and the sound duringplayback is muddy.
DEFECTIVE RV104 The right meter on this unit stays on with all led'silluminated. We found RV104 (meter adjust pot) open.
DEFECTIVE INPUT JACK This unit had an intermittent hum on the phono input. Wefound the input jack to be defective.
DEFECTIVE IC301 This unit was locked on aux. We found Pin 26 of IC301 have asteady 5.4V.
DEFECTIVE IC401 This unit had no display or tuning action on AM/FM.
DEAD Dead unit. Output transistors were shorted causing pulsepower supply to fail - replaced known defective components restoredoperation but bias current, after adjustment would start to increasecausing outputs to run hot. Removed power before damage resul
OVERHEATING REGULATOR The +15V regulator overheated to the point where it burntthe board badly. After replacing the board and modifying according tothe service bulletin we still had a very hot regulator. How can we coolit down?
MALFUNCTIONING MUTE CIRCUIT Upon turning power off, a slight popping sound through bothspeakers will be heard. By grounding inputs of main amp the popping iseliminated. An imbalance in the decaying time of the positive andnegative supply voltages can be seen on the scope. This r
AGED RESISTORS The customer has owned this unit for 16 months and has hadit serviced by an independent servicer 4 times. She said it would playfor a while and then one or both channels would go out and it would stopworking. The relay would kick out.
DEFECTIVE HEADPHONE JACK This unit had good separation and power level but the outputwas distorted. It appeared to be an output problem. Further examinationfound the headphone jack defective. Although this circuit is a simpleone, this problem was misleading.
OPEN FOIL TRACE No dial out, no dial tone, squelch broken opened base unitand measured voltages. No output from bridge rectifier D-6. Found openfoil pattern at output lead of D-6.
POOR SOLDER CONNECTION One channel cuts out intermittently when the space soundfunction was activated.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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