Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
Resultados 18938
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INCORRECT TUNING FUNCTION No VHF channels, only snow. UHF channels OK.
NO PICTURE Intermittently this unit would lose video and the raster wouldget very bright, with retrace lines.
VERTICAL ROLL AND FOLDOVER, REPLACED C574 AND Q551 Vertical roll and fold over problem.
SHUT DOWN Horizontal shut-down after unit is turned on.
SHUT DOWN, CLEANED AND ADJUSTED HOR. FREQ. CONTROL Set going into HV shut down intermittently when turned on.Set would also horizontal freq. adjustment was on very edge of locking.
DEAD, YOKE CONNECTOR LOOSE CAUSED OTHER PARTS TO FAIL Initial problem - dead. Replaced IC301 and Q202 on a boardplus F602, 1.6A fuse on board. This restored sound and Hi voltage.CRT's were blanked out. Further examination disclosed Q601, regulatordriver, Q609, regulator, R609 150 ohm at 1/8W open which d
CH 14 WOULD NOT LOCK Cable Ch. 14 could not lock in on a cable co. using HRC cablesystem. AFT is not pulling far enough down to lock on Ch. 14.
TUNING WOULD NOT LOCK At turn on, unit would display random channels, never the lastchannel which was displayed at turn off. Inspection of circuit revealedno reset pulse at Pin 7 of IC001 on A board. This pulse is supplied fromIC002. Voltage check on IC002 showed only abou
SHUT DOWN Picture takes 5 to 10 minutes to come on and sometimes goesoff after on. Found osc. signal at drive transformer weak if probe istouched anywhere before H. drive transistor picture comes on. Found E-Bjunction of Q502 open when transistor cold.
BATTERY PACK AVAILABILITY Have been contacted by two customers regarding replacementbatteries for Eveready type 563. They both stated they contactedEveready Distributors for a replacement and were informed that type 563is no longer available and that there is no substitute. Hav
INCORRECT BRIGHTNESS OPERATION Right side of the screen is brighter than left.
PART MISMOUNT On printed circuit board W, capacitor C524, the marks forpositive and negative connection are incorrectly placed.
DEAD Days to weeks after repair unit blows 2SC1034 chopper andfuse. Original service was chopper transistor and fuse replacement.Servicer did not find cause of this failure.
H STRIPE ON THE SCREEN, REPLACE IC501 This unit had a 1/2 inch wide horizontal stripe across thetube that was slightly darker than the remainder of the CRT. The signalat IC501 was down to about 1Vpp at Pin 9. The dark stripe was causedby the spreading of the raster lines in this area. The
NO HUE CONROL WITH REMOTE, REPLACED IC4002 No hue control in remote operation. Pins 9 and 11 only go1.3V high. Also both go high at the same time.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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