Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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PICTURE DISTORTION, REPLACED YOKE Raster was distorted at top of picture. Customer complainedproblem most noticeable when any vertical line (or lines) appears onscreen. Straight lines were bent in towards center of CRT. Looked likepincushion correction problem. Any physical movement
AUDIO POP NOISE, REPLACED T207 When changing channels, a pop occurred at the speakers.Sound was normal otherwise. Troubleshooting revealed a signal distortionat IC202 Pin 5 that is synchronized with the muting input at Pin 4.
INCORRECT TUNING OPERATION, REPLACED IC001 Pressing channel up or down button on remote or on the manualfunctions would give no response. Direct access tuning worked.
NO LAST CHANNEL MEMORY, PARTS TOUCHING Unit came into servicer with complaint of intermittent nolast channel memory, volume level and brightness level. Servicer checkedall voltages. They were OK. He replaced IC001 thru IC006 but unit stillhad the problem.
Q510 FAILURE, REPLACED DAMPER D517 Intermittent failure of GCS (Q510). The technician complainedthat all voltages waveforms etc. were in order. Yet this set would veryintermittently blow the horiz. output Q510. Careful examination revealedthe solder land on D517 (damper) to be loose.
DEAD Problem of replacement FBT first reported out of Houston FSCand later from servicers. FBT P/N 8-983-126-15 subs to 1-439-120-00replacement flyback has added resistors for protection and pin #3 isgrounded at terminal. Pin #3 is 18V supply and should not
INCORRECT REMOTE OPERATION,REPLACED IC101 Pressing on/off or picture up buttons on remote transmitterwould not affect receiver.
SHUT DOWN, REPLACED BLUE CRT Immediate shut down at turn on. Could hear arcing from unit.With back removed could see blue CRT arcing.
POOR CONVERGENCE Poor convergence with some controls such as tilt and key stonenear limit of their range.
POOR FOCUS, ADJUSTED ELECTRICAL AND MECH. FOCUS Distributors complain of poor focus on KP-5040. A littleblurry was traced to the acrylic lenses, which are transmitting a slighthalo around well defined objects. Noticeable around the blue cross hatchbars, which causes them to appear wider than the oth
WRONG PART NUMBER, R818 Resistor R818 on E board is shown as a 3.6 ohm resistor onservice manual schematics. It should be 3.6 kohm. Parts list in rear ofmanual is correct.
NO PICTURE Dead tuner 6.8V line is 0V. Found ROSS at the 6.8V regulatoropen.
INTERMITTENT PICTURE DISTORTION This unit very intermittently pulled from the sides and/ordisappeared. No loss of horiz. sync. occurred.
ON/OFF SWITCH WOULD NOT WORK Cust. is using KV8100 with a VHS machine on a boat. Both TVand VHS are on 12VDC. The KV8100 will not shut off with on/off switch. -HQ COMMENTS: We can try to go around that by insertive RC separator(10 kohm in parallel with 0.01u) into the cable conne
NARROW PICTURE Narrow pix - all three CRT's were narrow pix remained ingood convergence. Looked like the low voltage power supply was weak.

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