Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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SonyGE1A KV32DS60U
E-W faultyQ1510 2SK2518 & R1604 390R 1w burnt; PS1502 2A cct prot o/c. Pt no's 872903409, 126032371 & 153359331 respectively
SonyGE-1A KV28DS60U
low width, E-W errorfuse link PS1502 o/c on D1 PCB
narrow raster with E-W errorfusible link PS1502 1A o/c. Sony recommends to replace it with a 2A link part number 1-533-593-31. The link is located on the D1 sub board.
Lack of width & E/W distCheck PS1502 cct prot on board D1 - uprated from 1 to 2A
SonyGE1 KV28FD1E
Strange menus & graphics int appearResolder conns of micro & Megatext chips, also IC036/37 memory chips
SonyGE1 KV28FD1E
E/E faulty with lack of widthCheck PS1502 fuse on board D1
SonyG3F KVK29SN21
Reverts to st/by with no sound/picLOPTr Q2591 2SC4927 s/c due to dry joints T2502 line dr tx & R886 1.2e 3w o/c in psu
Field foldoverD506
SonyFE2 KV32DX40U
Dead- no st/by 5vQ601 2SA1037AK U/S on A board. Part No 872902649
SonyFE2 KV14LM1U etc
LED flashes 5 times - sound but no pic aft initial EHT rushR618 270k in current sensing cct - roughly centre of board close to Q602
Reverts to st/by at sw on with 2 or 5 flashes from LED5 flashes indicates an AKB error (Grey Scale Correction). This is normally due to LOP shut down & there is no EHT or sec line volts. Normally due to faulty R618 (270K ohm). This res is in the current sensing cct & could therefore potentially give you an over-current error (2 flashes).
Line tearing, ragged verticals, arcing noise.incorrectly fitted EHT lead at the LOPT end. Follow bulletin reference TV05900 for correct fitting.
SonyFE1A KV25FX20D
St/by only - flashes twice (prot mode)IC606 STRF6654 low res of 140R between pins 4 & 5 (should be 3M)
SonyFE-1 KV29X5U
no remote, front buttons are OkD908 9.1V zener leaky on H board
SonyFE1 KV29X5U
Vol OSD perm displayed & front controls give wrong functsLeaky front control switches - can be cleaned with luck/care

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