Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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SonyFE-1 KV21X5U
burst of EHT then shuts down with LED flashing error 2regulator IC603 SE135N (874992061)
SonyFE1 KV21X5U
Dead with 2 flashes from ledWhen D512 was unsoldered, LOP stage operated - Q703 (BF420), Q704 (BF421) and Q713 (BF420) all in the red output. Plus D701 (MTZ J 5.6B, a 5.6V zener) leaky and D705, 1SS133T (1N4148) O/C. all on crt base
Snowy pic & tone on soundIC001 micro faulty
Reverts to st/by at sw on with 2 or 4 flashes from LED2 flashes indicates an over-current error in line stage, & 4 indicates a frame fault. However, quite often, when 4 flashes occur it can still in fact be an over-current error as well as a frame fault. To prove which is the correct fault, measure pin 52 of the micro (IC001) at switch-on, and if this voltage goes high (anything above 0.6v) then it is in fact over-current. If it stays at 0v then the fault is more than likely within frame stage.
Dark picThe ABL circuit is operating incorrectly. Replace R516 (56K) & R517 (10K or 27K depending on CRT)
Buzzing only on sound from tuner - ok on AVIncorrect sound system selected, the cause being memory corruption. To correct the problem, enter test mode to obtain "TT - -" on screen, & type in "24". This will reset sound system back to PAL I. Turn set off & re-tune, & sound should then return to normal.
SonyFE KV25X5U
Int no pic with LED flashing 4 timesO/C print from pin 14 of IC301 to first link wire.
SonyBE-6 KV21X4U
no pic or sound, LED blinks twice5V low at micro pin 12, HT down to 38V - resolder IC604 (no earth connection)
SonyBE-5 KV21X4U
humbar on dark scenes , common on high gain channelsIC101 MC44002P (875933345)
SonyBE-5 KV21X1U
striations on LHSR820 3.3k fusible, located on the RHS of the LOPTx, blue in colour, between 2 coils (R820 is not marked on CCT)
SonyBE-5 KV21X1U
int. sync, picture patterningreplace SMD C341
SonyBE-5 KV21X1U
deadQ802 S2000N (872903385), do not use S2000A as it will fail in a short time
SonyBE-5 KV21X1U
deadIC600 STRS6707 (874992499), D603 RD6.8ESB2 (871910997), R601 (120296211), R605 (121636411), Q601 2SC3852A (872902504)
SonyBE5 KV21X1U
Int deadDry joints R651 - under plastic frame

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