Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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SonyBE5 KV20WS1B
Poor start up from cold in st/byIncrease value of C623 from 56 to 220µ
SonyBE5 21X4U
Dead with 4 flashes from LEDCheck T801on primary side for O/C, part number 1-437-090-31
St/by only - LED flashes 10XLOPTx HR7762
St/by still produces small picQ603 2SC2389S st/by tr
Dead - all psu o/ps low & fallingIC601 SE135N error amp chip
SonyBE-4A KVM2171U
no text, excessive width, poor grey scaleNVM corruption. Replace IC002 new type ST24C02FB6 (875937032). Change C0255 from 47uF to 1000uF, add 5.6V zener from pin 8 IC002 (cathode) to earth, tighten earth spring around CRT in the shape of U
SonyBE-4A KVM2171U
frame collapseR622 (HT feed) o/c, R814 0.47R safety (frame feed) o/c
SonyBE4A KVM2171U
Luma low, poor sync, field up at bottom & E/W bowingOK when heated - C627 100uF 10V in the 5 volt rail, high ESR, Off pin 8 of IC603
SonyBE4A KVM2171U
Field collapseR814 0R47 o/c
SonyBE4A KV25T1U
Corrugations and poor EHT stabilityLOPTx
SonyBE-4A KV21T3U
volume goes to max, no remote or front control functionsMicro gets hot, replace Micro part no 875947506
SonyBE-4A KV21T3U
no pic (blank video)D722 (871999133) o/c on CRT
SonyBE-4A KV21T3U
blank raster with flyback linesA1 voltage too high, replace LOPTx
SonyBE4A Chassis
Frame collapse. Replaced frame output chip, but picture geometry was not OK. The voltage at pin 8 of MC44007P chip measured low.If picture Geometry after replacing Vertical outp. Chip is not in order, replace also MC44007P. (Replaced also STR-S5706 in case an overvoltage caused the fault)
SonyBE4A Chassis
Frame collapse. Replaced frame output chip, but picture geometry was not OK. The voltage at pin 8 of MC44007P chip measured low.If picture Geometry after replacing Vertical outp. Chip is not in order, replace also MC44007P. (Replaced also STR-S5706 in case an overvoltage caused the fault)

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