Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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NO AUTO DEGAUSS Power up unit and it will not auto Degauss. Found Q601relay drive transistor not turning on. Q601 OK found pin 21 of IC901 hadno output.
DEFECTIVE IC001 ON A BOARD Seeing a problem with CPD15SF2. Tech reported 3 failures ofIC001 in last week. Unit had no video output from this RGB Preamp IC.
INTERMITTENT ON AND OFF Set came in with intermitent on and off, burning smell, andno power.
DIFFERENT POWER SUPPLY UNIT Starting at serial number 102111, this model will have a different power supply unit for which the schematic is not available yet. The new power supply is backward compatible with the original one. A supplement will be is
WON'T RECORD OR PB STEREO - TAPE PATH ADJUSTMENT Won't record or playback stereo.
DIFFERENT POWER SUPPLY UNIT Starting at serial number 102006, this model will have a different power supply unit for which the schematic is not available yet. The new power supply is backward compatible with the original one. A supplement will be is
DIFFERENT POWER SUPPLY UNIT Starting at serial number 112509, this model will have a different power supply unit for which the schematic is not available yet. The new power supply is backward compatible with the original one. A supplement will be is
NO H-SYNC ON PB. EE OK - REPLACED IC202 CAP/DRUM ERROR INTEG PB pix lacking horizontal sync, displaying diagnal lines. EE was OK. Used tape with 3khz signal on linear track only to verify capstan performance. It tested OK. Scoped output of IC202, cap/drum errror integrator, and not
DIFFERENT MICROPROCESSOR IC101 Unit neded timer/mode control MPU IC101. The IC that came from KCP was different from the original IC and it did not work in the set.
WON'T WORK AS SLAVE IN SYNCRO EDIT MODE-SOLDER W103/FR-38 BD In syncro edit mode, through L control, unit won't work as a slave, but works as a master.
HERRING BONE OR DISTORTED VIDEO - C394 ON VA-76 BD LEAKY Picture has a herring bone distortion in the video. Found ripple on 2.5V line on VA-76 Board.
NO MENU OR CHARACTERS (FOUND IC614 PINS 1 - 10 LOOSE) Unit came in with no menu functions (No charactersappearing in V/F or E-E). When twisting VC-161 MCB Japanese characterswould flash. After checking a few ICs, I found IC614 was loose on oneside (Pins # 1-10). -SOLTION: Resoldered IC614 and everything
NO V/F VIDEO, POWER ONLY (FOUND C207 HAD LEAKED) Unit came in with no video in the viewfinder, but it was lit.After looking at the VS-61 MCB I noticed C207 leaking.
NO PICTURE, OPEN RESISTOR R701 ON THE C BOARD No picture, sound ok. Able to control volume and switch channels, picture blanked found open resistor R701 on C board.
TV SHUTS OFF WHEN IT'S TURNED ON, REPLACED FBT TV shuts off when it's turned on. Found missing High voltage from Flyback transformer ass'y.

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