Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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DIDTORTED PICTURE, PINCUSHION, REPLACED C540 Picture shows bad pincshion. Check pincushion circuit and found incorrect wave form at pin 5 of IC504 (pinucshion control IC). Signal had flattened top. Found wave shaping cap, C540 was open.
NO PICTURE AUDIO OK,R1428 AND R1429 No picture G2 voltage was reading 78v, found R1428 and R1429open.
INTERMITTENTLY WILL NOT PLAY TAPES, CAPSTAN MOTOR VCR intermittently will not play, rew or ff. -SOLUTIONI: Discovered defective capstan motor p/n 9-908-352-01.
NO PICTURE ARCING CRT TV had no picture turning up screen controls showed IK blanking. Activated checking CB board and found D762 shorted replacement of diode. Restoration of AC power resulted in an arc in neck of blue CRT and loss of 210v
SPOTS ON SCREEN, REPLACED SCREENS Have seen two units so far with spots in between diffusionscreens.
SLOW CHANNEL CHANGE AND BLANKING, REPLACED Y/C JUNGLE IC After a couple of hours, changing channels would take longerthan normal and picture remained bland during that period. Picturenormally blankds during channel change, but in this case was very ievidentdue to delayed operation. Channel number display a
POOR RED/BLUE CONVERGENCE AT TOP, REPLACED IC907 ON D BOARD TV had covergence problem at top of the screen with red and and blue vertical. Checking adjustments for size and linearity, found picture could be corrected, but middile linerity of red and blue vertical controls were maxed out and would only
NO FUNCTIONS - REPLACE IC1, P/N 8-759-276-39 No functions, although power light turns on, unit overheats.Won't go beyond initial test mode.
CANNOT MAKE OR RECEIVE CALLS, NO DIAL TONE - REPLACE IC801 Cannot make any outgoing calls, cannot receive incoming, nodial tone.
HUM AND DISTORTION IN OGM - RESOLDER IC801 IN BASE Loud hum and static in OGM. Complaint confirmed.
UNIT TOTALLY DEAD - REPLACE Q201, P/N 8-729-927-24 Unit had no dial tone. Found the line fuse open and replacedit. Unit then had dial tone but after the handset was placed on thecradle, it remained off-hook.
NO PLAYBACK AUDIO Intermittent mech problem on this unit. Replace new mechass'y, still no audio on playback. Ans machine works ok. You can seehow many messages were recorded but no playback off message.
WON'T INIIALIZE- TILT WAS JAMMED Unit won't initialize. FOP would jump a few times and then the unit would shut down.
INTERMITTANT NOISE IN FRONT CHANNELS - RESOLDERED DIGITAL BD Intermittant crackling noise heard in front speakers.
LOW BUZZING NOISE - GROUND IC744, 745, 746 FLOATING PINS In all modes, with volume control at minimum, there is alow buzzing noise in both channels.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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