Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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BLACK LINE IN PICTURE, RE SOLDERED C652 (G BOARD) TV had black lines across picture. Looked like interlaceproblem. Tapping on the G board would temporarily correct the problem.
10 BARS IN PICTURE,IC301 Unit had 10 horizontal lines in the picture evenly spaced.
DISTORTED COLOR, COMB FILTER Unit came in with bad color. Purity was good but colorsseemed blurred and fluorescent.
BLACK BAR AT TOP OF CRT AND PINCUSHION, REPLACED C646 Unit had a black bar at top of screen and pincushion problem. -SOLUTION Checked IC501 on D board pin 1 was reading 1.9V DC. Replaced IC501, Black bar is gone but still read 1.9V on IC pin 1. Also picture had pincushion problem
NO AUDIO ON RIGHT SIDEIC202 MISSING No audio from right side speakers. Found problem on M board. In checking M board found IC202 missing along with related circuit. Newboard contained parts. - SOLUTION: Replaced M board unit operated normal. -HQ COMMENTS: This is a 1994 model. Too lat
DEAD SET SHORTED DAMPER DIODE, Q501 Customer reported dead set found D512 shorted, replaced D513also and Q551 and C550 as precaution.
PIN CUSHION AND LOCK ON CH 2, IC104 No sound, pin cushion problem, and came up onlyon channel 2. Only function that worked was the power on/off.
TV SHUTS OFF, Q1814 Set shuts off by itself intermittently.
PHANTOM OPERATIOIN, REPLACED CF001, CLOCK ERROR Unit exhibits phantom operations. Such as unit runs off by itself, volume goes up and down bu itself and sometimes locks up. ASC replaced micrro and same.
SHUT DOWN,FLYBACK Shut down. -SoLUTION Replaced flyback unit worked fine.Note: original part # on old flyback in not a good number 859822200. -HQ COMMENTS: You should use the P/N in the service manual not thenumber on the part. P/N can change depending on vendor.
LOW AUDIO, TUNER Audio was very low when set to max.
SERVICE MANUAL SCHEMATIC CORRECTIONS The schematic diagram contains two mistakes. They are: 1. R524 listed as 3.9 ohm should be 3.9k Located across T502 It's part number is 1-247-720-11. 2. T503, 24 volt winding is listed as pins 9 & 11. It should be listed as pins
TICKING NOISE IN STANDBY, Q1801 Ticking noise coming from unit when in standby.Oscillator actually starting and stopping. Problem caused by theStandby Regulsator Q1801. Replacement resolved problem. -HQ COMMENTS: IC1802 and IC1803 also exhibit the same symptom.
NO RECEPTION CABLE CONNECTOR (JACK) BROKEN Customer reported TV had snowy picture. Found F connectorjack turned and was loose. Analysis of set found F plug defective.No continuity between pin and socket connection, inside F plug . Servicemanual exploded view pg 139, 14-2 showed F plug as pa

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