Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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INTERMITTENT BLACK HORIZONTAL BARS, REPLACED IC312 Y/C-J Intermittent black horizontal bars across picture. Problem caused by intermittnet RGB blanking. Check CRT, IK and IK related compoents, but it is normal.
PICTURE IS ALL RED & NO CONTROL, REPALCE IC301 Y/C JUNGLE Picture would appear normal for 5 minutes, then turn bright Red and remain that way. Check the voltage with conector CN703 on the C board. Pin 1 is a Red signal and shows 3.2volts that is normal. However, Pin 2 (Green)
VERTICAL OUTPUT FAILURESR553 & R554 Unit was fixed twice by local dealer, vertical output IC wasreplaced both times. Unit came back again due to failed IC501.Found IC501 was running hot, but pix had no distortions. Furtherinvestigation showed small decrease in 15v lines.
TV DOESN'T RESPOND ON REMOTE, REPLACE REMOTE SENSOR TV doesn't work with any remote controls, but control panel has no problem.
INTERMITTENT ON/OFF WITH VERTICAL LINEARITY DISTORION Unit intermittly did not come on. When it did itdisplayed poor vertical linearity.
36 PIN MULTI CABLE P/N , 1775-534-11 Need the part number for the 36 multi pin cable between theFeature box (tuner) and the monitor.SOLUTION: The part number is listed in the SM under Accessories andPacking Materials: The description is incorrect. It is listed as: CableAss'y (Half Pitch
VIDEO MENU SETTINGS HAVE NO MEMORYIC102 Customer reported menu items would reset to maximum when TVwas turned off or unplugged. They could restore the settingsmanually with their remote.
POOR PICTURE/RINGING/GHOSTS ON CHANNEL 15/ TUNER Customer reported poor picture quality on channel 15,ringing and dot crawl on letters/numbers/graphics etc. AGC adjustmentwould reduce problem but not eliminate it.
INTERMITTENT DRIFTING CONVERGENCECRT Convergence drifts intermittently. Taping the CRT neck duplicated the problem.
POOR PICTURE QUALITY, REPLACED TUNER Customer reported TV had an intermittent snowy picturealso on some stations a line appeared on left side of picture from top to bottom.
VIBRATION NOISE IN CABINET,DAMAGED SPEAKER Customer reported an intermittent noise in set usually caused by acertain sound level and tone.
H OUTPUT TRANSISTOR FAIL, REPLACE T501 H output transistor was running hot. Checked waveform at H output transistor and found ringing in it.
INTERMITTENT BRIGHT PIX, TUNER ALSO BREAKS UP Intermittly the picture becomes very bright with retracelines. In the tuner mode the picture will break up (like a bad IF block).
NO AUDIO WHEN TURNED ON FROM MASTER SWC001, C002 When unit turned on by master switch no audio was present.Turning up the volume control returned the audio.
TICKING FROM POWER SUPPLY,Q1801 TOUCHING HEAT SINK Ticking sound from power supply. All outputs dead.Problem caused by Q1801 touching head sink for switching IC. Q1801 normounted in a way to make contact with heat sink but very close.Repositioning Q180 and adding a dab of RTV in between transistor a

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

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