Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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NO PICTURE SET GOES INTO PROTECT, CRACK T604/PINS 6, 8 Customer reported tv would turn on with sound, then screenwould light up bright white then set would shut off. Checking for 230volts on CB board, measured on 70 volts.
NO POWER, RELAY WON'T STAY CLOSED, REPLACE C110 Set would turn on then within 2-3 seconds shut off.Repeated attempts were the same.
LOW HIGH VOLTAGE, EXCESSIVE WIDTH, IC805 High voltage low and picture appeared to have excessivewidth. Problem caused by IC805/N board. No PWM coming out of pin 7.115 v line not being boosted via the switched inductance circuit.Replaced IC805, problem solved.
INTERMITTENT NO PICTURE SOUND OK, COLD SOLDER ON CR BPARD Customer reported picture would black out after 20-30 mins.Waiting until symptom appeared, noticed red colors in picture would getmuddy just before picture disappeared. After picture disappeared turningup the G2 controls would not produce a red raster
NO PICTURE, REPLACE IC805 H PIN CONTROLLER Set comes on, but no picture.
UNIT SHUTS DOWN IN VIDEO MODE/ ADJ G2 Unit had no picture intermittently in Video 1 mode. Unit had no problem while in TV mode but when switch to video 1 it wouldblank out.
SHUT OFF BY PROTECT MODE, REPLACE FBT Customer complaint was set is dead. Examination showed setwould power on then protect circuit would shut set off and had to beunplugged before it would power on again.
ANODE LEAD PART NUMBER Replacement board does not have the anode lead with the flyback.
DISTORTION IN SPEAKERPHONE MODE Speaker phone not working right. When talking on speakerphone you hear chopped broken audio on other end.
UNIT FLASHES E1 IN DISPLAY, NO OTHER FUNCTIONS At power up unit would sound an error beep and thenalternately flash e and 1 on the display. Pressing any button wouldresult in another error beep. If the page and stop keys were pressedduring power up the unit would go into test mode correctly. Un
MAIN BOARD LAY OUT DIFFERENT WITH SCHEMATIC Tried to replace R322 but cannot, board totally differentfrom schematic. -HQ COMMENTS: There are 2 service manuals, refer to the one that appliesto the unit. the 2 manuals are:9-956-098-11 and 9-956-098-12.
NO DISPLAY - REPLACED C102 Unit exhibits no display or sometimes weak display.
NO DISPLAY- REPLACE C102,C103,C108,C110 Unit came in without a display. DC/AC converter not working.
NO DISPLAY DRIED OUT CAP C102 No display, no output voltage for filament on fl display. Found C102 dried out.
SHUTS DOWN WHEN POWERED ON - C68 SHORTED, C151 OPEN Unit shuts down when powered up.

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Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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