Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
Resultados 18945
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LOW AUDIO - REPLACE C206, P/N 1-126-205-11 Very low volume
PERPETUAL PAUSE - RESOLDER R426 FOK established, disc would spin at an appropriate speed butunit would not track. Seemed unit was stuck in perpetual pause. No SQclock input at IC502/pin 47 because one side of R426 was not soldered.
UNIT LOSES POWER AFTER BEING ON FOR A WHILE Unit loses power after on for a time.
PARTS FOUND UNDER DIFFERENT NUMBERS Spindle motor X26254851 for many newer discman models such asD828K, D826K, D822K, D824K, D421SP, D125, D133 etc. can be substitutedwith X26252191 of D202.
DEFECTIVE SPINDLE MOTORS Defective spindle motore. All motors labeled made in Taiwanwere found to be bad. The motors that were labeled made in Japan or Chinahad a significantly lower rate of being defective out of stock. Thismotor is in at least a dozen differenct Discman mode
NO OPERATION - REPLACE HOLD SWITCH S401, P/N 1-554-843-11 No sled or spindle in test mode. No operation in reg. mode.
DISTORTED AUDIO - REPLACE IC301, P/N 8-759-501-31 Bad/distorted audio in both channels. Fed steady tone inand on the output, the tone could be seen but it was very fragmentedand shaky.
NO AUDIO IN ESP MODE ONLY - REPLACE IC602, P/N 8-752-346-14 No audio in ESP model only. When the unit was switched intoESP, the data output, pin 25 on IC602 the ESP controller was not present.When switched back to regular mode the data returned.
UNIT DEAD - RESOLDER X801 Unit was dead. Observed X801 desoldereed from PCB.
UNIT WOULD ABRUPTLY STOP DURING PLAY Unit would abruptly stop during play. Lip on lid would notfully engage open switch. Noticed significant play of pcb to bottomcabinet.
SKIPPING ON ESP - REPLACE OPTICAL BLOCK Sounds like unit is skipping on ESP only. RF eye pattern wasgood but traverse wave was high and could not be adjusted.
UNIT WON'T READ A DISC Disc table won't spin and unit won't read disc.
UNIT POWERS UP THEN SHUTS DOWN WITHIN 2 SECONDS Unit would power up but shuts down within 2 seconds.
UNIT WOULD NOT OPERATE - RESOLDER R2 Found R2 not soldered properly. This in effect disconnecteda ground. Unit would not work properly. There was no turntable or sledmovement.
DISK SPINS BACKWARDS SOMETIMES INTERMITTENT Disk spins backwards. Unit showed no problems in 2 hours oftesting. Then it failed by rotating backwards after stopping play.Replaced main board. Unit worked temporarily then failed again. Spindlemotor sounded good to fair for noise output level.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

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