Dicas Reparação SONY

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PART NUMBER FOR THE 50O EXTENSION CABLE, 1-900-800-86 On page 12 of the Service Manual a 50p extension cable isshown between the AB and X board. There is no part number in theservice manual for this extension cable. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number for this extension cable is 1-900-800-86.
INTERMITTENT RED FLASHES IN PICTURE, RE-SOLDERED IC301 Customer complaint of intermittent flashes of red in pictureset was sensitive to vibration or movement. -SOLUTION Located cracked solder connections on IC301 also NM301, andDl301 and numerous connector sockets. Resoldering corrected the problem.
PICTURE SMEARED, REPLACED DIGITAL COMB FILTER ON B1 BOARD Picture smeared, largest areas had silvery blotches similarto effect caused by low emissiono n a crt. Also noticed noise andherringbone in background. Signal tracing showed a good video enteringdigital comb filter but noise at its output.
CRT P/N IS FOR YOKE In the Service Manual back page the Yoke P/N is listed as aCRT. The second V901 is not the CRT but the Yoke P/N.
LOW LEVEL HUM, SEE SB 277 Very low lever hum ~60hz coming from left and right speakerswhen volume is adjusted so that only 2 or 3 bars are visible on display.Cannot hear hum in a room with normal activity, however, when room is veryquiet it is quite noticeable. Problem: Is due t
NO PICTURE OR SOUND BUT HIGH VOLTAGE, IC301 TV turns on but no picture or sound only high voltage. Whenscreen voltage increased on G2 horizontal line shows. Measured verticaldrive, pulses missing from IC301 M board.
POOR PURITY, REPLACED CRT Unit came in with bad purity problem. Blotch in top right ofscreen. No physical damage, except for small scratch on bezel.
INTERMITTENT POWER UP NO PICTURE,EPLACED IC501 Intermittently unit would go into shut down at power on.When unit stayed on there was no picture, sound was ok. Problem caused bydefective vertical output loading down the flyback sufficiently toactivate protect. A defective vertical is unusual but it
DEAD, REPLACED YOKE Unit came in with shorted parts in switching power supply.Caused by an excessive load. Deflection yoke was source of problem. Itwas shorted between the vertical and horizontal windings, which is veryunusual. Replacement of yoke along with standard po
INTERMITTENT SNOWY PICTURE, REPLACED TUNER Unit came in first 15 min snowy picture, no audio. Bump teston tuner had no effect. VCC into tuner ok. no ouput signal.
UNIT SHUT DOWN, REPLACED C1718 FOR 15V LINE ON D BOARD At power on unit would immediately go into shut down.Problem was caused by an excessive load on the +18v line to D board.Found C1718 shorted. Cap filters the +15v line. -SOLUTION Replacement resolved problem. -HQ COMMENTS: Thank you for your report.
NO PICTURE INTERMITTENT LOSS OF HIGH VOLTAGE, CRACKED BOARD Cust. complaint of intermittent picture. When first turnedon timer led flashed, but no picture appeared. Troubleshooting revealedno high voltage being produced.
NO PIP WINDOW OR PICTURE, ADJUSTED PPLL Customre reported when PIP function selected PIP channel #would appear but no PIP window. Swapping would produce PIP picture onmain screen but still no PIP window.
DEAD, T502 Unit came in with shorted power supply switching transistors. Power supply problem caused by an excessive load. Specifically thehorizontal driver transformer T502 was shorted primary to secondary.Replacement of the transformer along with the switching
R854 PART NUMBER INCORRECT, 1-249-447-11 The part number for resistor R854 in the Service Manual page113 is incorrect. It lists the part number for an 1/16 ohm resistor.The correct part number should be 1-249-447-11.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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