Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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POPPING When the unit is tuned to an unused channel, popping will beheard. On station no problem. Checked another unit and found the samesound. The audio popping heard on the speakers is of a low level. Thisonly occurs on RF input, line in/outs no problem.
UNIT PLAYS OUTER TRACKS, RETURNS TO INNER TRACK AND STOPS Small rip in FOP ribbon cable (right side from above) at FOP.
EXCESSIVE WOW Excessive wow. Wow increased toward end of tape. Wow measur-ed up to 0.4. Also pertains to s/n 8815715.
NO CHROMA IN RECORD No chroma in Record mode, Playback is ok. Pin 9 (Rec Out) ofIC-002 (chroma process) at 1.2V with no chroma present. Found pin 2 ofIC-002 always at 0.7Vdc.
NOISE BAR IN BI PAUSE MODE/TRACKING INDICATOR OFF CENTER (1) During the pause mode when playing back a Beta I tape, anoise bar appears at the top of the picture. We have a customer whorecently bought this unit and is dissatisfied that such an expensive unitis unable to produce a clean pause in Beta I. Is thi
CONTROL "S" DOES NOT CONTROL SLVR5UC The EDV-9500 is unable to control the SLV-R5UC via the controlS line.
WON'T PLAY - SHUTS DOWN Unit shuts down in Play, Fast Forward and Rewind modes.
EXTRA CHARACTERS DISPLAYED ON SCREEN, REPLACED IC-103 Pressing Volume control, display showed Volumee. PressingVideo control, display showed Vide0.
HANDSET DOES NOT WORK Handset does not work. This unit is new.
PICTURE SLOWLY SHIFTS DOWNWARD, REPLACED IC-500 Top of picture evidenced foldover. Entire image shifted slow-ly downward with time.
HORIZONTAL STRIPES AT TOP OF PICTURE, REPLACED IC-500 Unit manifested vertical lines similar to those described inService Bulletin number TVP0076.
DOES NOT REMEMBER STATION PRESETS WHEN POWER TURNED OFF/ON The owner's manual for this model states that the unit willaccept 30 station presets. While you can set 30 presets, all presets arelost when power is turned off. However, if you only set 28 presets, theydo not get lost when power is turned off. Is thi
WON'T PLAY REM "OUT OF TIME" DISC Will not play REM Out of Time disc. Unit plays other discsfine.
MISSING CORD Page 9 of supplement 5 shows the above cord is a part of theunit. The units being received from Kansas City Parts do not have thecords. -HQ COMMENTS: Kansas City Parts informs us that the customer must orderthis cord (battery adaptor plate) separately
INOPERATIVE INTERMITTENT SET, OPEN TRACE ON BOARD Complaint was intermittent inoperative set with sleep lighton. I got the set to act up by putting pressure on A board. Rasterwent dark and sound went out but sleep light was on. I turned up CRTscreen and noticed no vertical sweep. Pin 6, IC-501 had n

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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