Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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CASSETTE JAMMED MAKING A GRINDING NOISE Deck B wouldn't cycle into any function and would make agrinding noise. Head base would not come up into play position. Iftransport was laid on its back with the cassette holder up, unit would op-erate correctly. Replacement of cycling gear did not fi
CASSETTE JAMMED MAKING A GRINDING NOISE Deck B wouldn't cycle into any function and would make agrinding noise. Head base would not come up into play position. Iftransport was laid on its back with the cassette holder up, unit would op-erate correctly. Replacement of cycling gear did not fi
CASSETTE JAMMED MAKING A GRINDING NOISE Deck B wouldn't cycle into any function and would make agrinding noise. Head base would not come up into play position. Iftransport was laid on its back with the cassette holder up, unit would op-erate correctly. Replacement of cycling gear did not fi
CASSETTE JAMMED MAKING A GRINDING NOISE Deck B wouldn't cycle into any function and would make agrinding noise. Head base would not come up into play position. Iftransport was laid on its back with the cassette holder up, unit would op-erate correctly. Replacement of cycling gear did not fi
PART # & REFERENCE # MISSING FROM MANUAL - PLAY LEVER ASS'Y Need the part number and the reference number for the playlever assembly. This is the plastic lever assembly to which the playbackhead and flexible cable are attached. -HQ COMMENTS: The part that you need is included with the head andflexible cable whe
UNIT IN PROTECTION Pin 47 IC-502 (Protection In) should be +5 volts. Measuredline voltage is 1.5 volts. Lifting pin voltage on pin remains 1.5 volts.
"DQ-2" BOARD Enclosed is the main board and a DQ-2 board. There is noinformation on this DQ-2 board.
NO DRAWER OPERATION WITH NEW "BD" BOARD With new BD board drawer would not open.
NO VIDEO OUTPUT Camera had no output. Found low voltages on several sourcesproduced by T-1 on C-6 board. 145V source was ok and -6 was ok but +/-110V sources were about one third of normal. We completely unloaded allthe sources with no significant change in voltages.
DOES NOT RETAIN, OR ERASE SOME MEMORY SETTINGS, ROM IC-102 Channels 80 through 87 cannot be erased. Trapezoid lookingpicture and top screen sides reduced. When adjusting pincushion phase inservice mode, correction will be achieved but ROM won't retain new settingin memory when unit is unplugged.
INTERMITTENT OPERATION Unpredictable problem sometimes it has run away spindle motor.Sometimes it will not do anything.
NO VIDEO ON CAMERA MODE Recording a while, unit will record audio but no video oncamera mode. Noticed camera power is off, but still VTR is on. Performedbattery down adjustment and its the same.
SPECTRUM ANALYZER DISPLAY IS FULLY LIT Unit is newer type which uses Supplement 1. It has a problemreferenced in service bulletin No. CAR0128. This unit has the changesin place refered to in the service bulletin, unit has the same symptoms. -HQ COMMENTS: The Supplement 1 revision is not id
AVAILABILITY OF A 3.5 INCH FACEPLATE The MPF17W55D is a 3.5 inch floppy disk drive that is packagedin a 5.25 inch enclosure. This means that it will physically fit in aslot made for 5.25 inch disk drive. However, there is no kit availablethat enables this disk drive to fit into a 3.5 inch
TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTE, Q-605 Transistor 2SA835 substitutes to 2SA968B. Pin configurationis different. Part mounts on heat sink and subs part will not mount dir-ectly. Is this a good part number. -HQ COMMENTS: Yes, this is a good part number. However, it may benecessary to bend

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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