Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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ANODE CONNECTOR MISSING, 1-540-006-32 When replacing the A Board, the Anode wire from the flybackis missing. Is there a part number for it? -HQ COMMENTS: Please order part number 1-540-006-32 which isthe Anode Cable. Future boards will have the cable with the board.
SET IN-OPERATIVE, REPLACED IC-651, AND Q604 Unit is inoperative. IC-651 was found defective.
POOR OR DISTORTED EP PLAYBACK Unit plays back EP recordings very noisy or distorted. SPrecordings playback ok.
ANODE CONNECTOR MISSING, 1-540-006-32 When replacing the A board, the Anode wire from the flyback ismissing. Is there a part number for it? -HQ COMMENTS: Please order part number 1-540-006-32 which is the AnodeCable. Future boards will come with the cable.
ANODE CONNECTOR MISSING, P/N 1-540-006-32 When replacing the A Board, the Anode wire from the flybackis missing. Is there a part number for it? -HQ COMMENTS: Please order the Anode Cable, Part Number 1-540-006-32.This cable will come with future boards.
WRONG PART NUMBER IN SERVICE MANUAL FOR IC-1 The P/N in the S/M (8-752-908-89) is incorrect for IC-1.
UNIT DISCONNECTS LINE INTERMITTENTLY Disconnects after dialing. Problem does not occur at SSC.
BLOWS FUSE, REPLACE CRT Upon turn on line fuse would blow. Could bring up to 80VAC.The horizontal waveform is ok. With AC up to 100VAC output would distort.Any higher fuse would blow. Disconnect C board and was able to bring upto 120VAC. Hookup chassis to another tube evert
FUNCTION BUTTONS AND REMOTE INOPERATIVE, IC-104, AND C-129 Unit showed picture but no control with function buttonsexcept power ON. Remote also is inoperative.
UNIT GOES INTO SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATELY AT POWER ON,R563 REPLACE Unit would shut down upon turn on. Opening the base of Q-562,set would come on. Found 23VDC on the collector of Q-561 which meant itwas on. Measured the emitter of Q-561 and found 134.4VDC (normalvoltage = 133). The base read 133.8 volts (normal volt
VERTICAL COLLAPSE At full voltage (120VAC) vertical collapsed. Lowering thevoltage to 95 A.C brought about an almost full deflection but you couldsee horizontal interference on the edges of the color bars. Found the10.4 Volt (VCC bias line, pin 4 of IC-301) filter cap (
ONLY CHARGES BATTERY ONE/CHARGE LED WILL NOT LIGHT Unit would charge battery placed in position 1 but would notlight charge LED or charge batteries in positions 2 or 3.
INCORRECT PART NUMBER FOR AF-DM ASS'Y The part number listed in the manual for the AF-DM ass'y isA-7030-171-A. This part number is no good in KCP or RPC.
NO AUDIO OUT OF RIGHT CHANNEL No audio from right channel through headphone jack.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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