Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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NOISY EP PLAYBACK Unit plays back SP recordings OK, but EP plays back with a lotof noise and distortion.
INCORRECT PART NUMBER FOR CHASSIS SUB ASSEMBLY The part number listed in the service manual for the mechanismis for a WMA-F50 and other similar models. The WMF-2078 mechanism has adifferent mode and direction button. Part number X-3346-795-1 is for aMT-WMA26-19 mechanism. What is the part number f
UNIT INOPERATIVE Unit is not working, print motor turns a few times and shutsdown.
BATTERY DOWN Battery down would come on with battery or AC adaptor.
INTERMITTENT TUNER, RESOLDERED TUNER Intermittent picture due to defective tuner. Found that thetuner had cold solder joints.
INTERMITTENT TUNING, RESOLDER TUNER Found the tuner to have many cold solder joints.
PART NUMBER FOR THE FRONT PANEL CONTROL DOOR, X-4374-126-1 Part number for the Front Panel Control Door is not availablein the service manual. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number is: X-4374-126-1.
NO SOUND OR FUNCTIONS No output display and system was locked up.
ONE CHANNEL INTERMITTENT One channel plays intermittently.
DRLC DOES NOT TURN OFF DRLC does not function and unit does not function correctly.
INTERMITTENT PROTECTOR LIGHT Protector light illuminates after a few seconds of play orafter unit is moved.
NO POWER No power, B+ 5V short to ground.
WEAK TAPE TAKE-UP IN DECK B - EATS TAPES Weak tape take-up and deck B pulls tap out.
CONTINUOUS BEEPING On hook phone beeps every several seconds. This is caused bystray carbon or other foreign material on board.
NO PICTURE IN CAMERA MODE No picture in camera mode. Checking CCD imager IC I found pin15 (V SUB) had 0 volts and Q-132 V sub regulator got very hot. FoundC-901 shorting V sub to ground.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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