Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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NO CAPTION MEMORY, REPLACED IC-1301 Unit would not remember captions. Dealer stock unit at inde-pendent servicer. IC-101, 102, 107, 103 changed - no help. Changed Aboard. Did not fix problem. This unit was down a long time.
POOR B+ REGULATION AND EXCESSIVE HIGH VOLTAGE, C-540 OPEN The unit had excessive high voltage and was prone to shuttingdown. The 135V line was between 145V and 150V depending on the AC inputvoltage. Regulation was very poor. The problem was caused by an openC-540. C-540 decouples the 135V line from the hori
TUNER DRIFTS, RESOLDERING 9V REG Q-621 After a period of time, the tuner drifts off frequency just alittle bit. It appears to be a traditional AFT problem. We found thetrouble to be caused by poor solder connections on the 9 volt regulator.The 9 volt line would drop just a little (approxima
NO PICTURE, REPLACED C508 No picture. The units HV measured 300V. The waveform atQ-801 base was present but low in amplitude except for lifting C-809 outof circuit, even though the correct amplitude was evident at IC-201 pin17. The frequency read .83kHz.
NO RASTER, REPLACED Q803 No raster. There was signal present at Q-504 base but not atQ-802 base. Q-802 base measured 0.8Vdc and collector 0Vdc. Q-802, R-802and R-803 checked out ok.
UNIT PLAYS ONLY WHEN UPSIDE DOWN Unit would play upside down but not vertically or right sideup. Spindle motor, FOP and adjustments are known to be ok.
RIBBON CABLE FROM FOP TEARS - NO OPERATION Ribbon cable tears near CN-502. Have seen this on many newunits and now this problem is seen increasingly on older units. Hadthought it was caused during manufacturing, now believe rip is caused by acombination of two factors: 1. CN-502 is mounted at a
CRINKLES TAPE When unit is put into Review mode, the tape skews downwardand is creased. The problem was found by Gary Kilbourne. What happens isthe pad that is attached to the lever assembly comes loose, providing noback tension. We have two new units with this pro
SET IN-OPERATIVE High voltage, no audio and no picture. Found no verticaldrive out of pin 31 of IC-301. Also found vertical osc running at pin 29(vertical pulse to IC-101). The vertical drive circuit was muted insideIC-301.
ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT CORRECTION (2-7-3 AND 2-7-4) In MDP-333 Supplement No. 1 on page 35 sections 2-7-3 and2-7-4 are incorrect. It Appears test points and adjustment points areincorrect. -HQ COMMENTS: The correct adjustment element in Section 2-7-3 is RV-154instead of RV104. The measuring point in Se
Q-204 POWER SUPPLY BOARD Need Q-204, 2SD1789 or power supply P/N 1-413-540-11 as soonas possible. Could we possibly find a substitute to use now to resolve acustomer complaint? I am aware that parts list is being made etc. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number of Q-204 (2SD1789) is 9
ICM CUTS OFF DURING CONVERSATION. Capacitor opens reducing audio to IC-1 which will not be astrong enough signal to operate the VOX circuit. Micro will cut unit offin 7 seconds during incoming message.
LOW DISTORTED RING IN UNIT Unit will not ring properly when ring signal is turned down to70V AC or less on B & K 1050 analyzer.
LOW DISTORTED RING IN UNIT Unit will not ring properly when ring signal is turned down to70V AC or less on B & K 1050 analyzer.
CONTINUOUS TEL LINE CONNECT WITH POWER APPLIED Unit grabs line when power is applied. D-2 shorts, whichapplies unit supply voltage to pin 15 (power detect) of IC-3 (Micro).This intermally damages micro processor.

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