Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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INTERMITTENT RECEPTION AND TRANSMISSION Cordless handset won't receive. No talk light when Talkbutton is pressed. Intermittent in nature.
INTERMITTENT BEEPING SOUND Intermittent beeping sound and Batt/Stdby lamp is flashing.
NO PICTURE, HOR. LINE ROLLING ON SCREEN, IC-500 AND R-559 No picture only one horizontal line rolling on screen.
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ERROR, C318 Page 24 identifies a 220uF, 4V cap. at coordinates E-14 asC-138. This cap. is really C-318, and the component layout and parts listare correct. The real C-138 can be found at coordinates C-18 connected topin 5 of IC-102.
SET WON'T TUNE CHANNELS ABOVE CHANNEL 7, REPLACE D-117 After set warms up, it would not tune in channels abovechannel 7.
INTERMITTENT OPERATION Talk light goes out intermittently. Hangs up on caller.
NO DIAL TONE No sound on handset. No dial tone when phone off the hook.
USE IN COLD ENVIRONMENT It should be noted that the SPK-TR is not provided withthermal insulation.
NO SOUND AND OPR/BATTERY LED DOESN'T WORK No sound and Opr/Batt led doesn't work.
PART NUMBER OF POWER BOARD Need part number for the Power board. -HQ COMMENTS: The part number for the Power board is A-2056-442-A.It's Reference number is 902, and it can be found on page 12 of theservice manual.
LOOSE LCD ASSEMBLY The LCD assembly moved loosely on its hinge. Found hingeassembly broken. Looks like rivet was stressed some time earlier.
PART NUMBER OF CASSETTE DOOR The service manual page 85 cassette door shown in drawing asNot Supplied. This part breaks. Substitution could be used if printingon other models with different features was not on the door. Had to takedoor from another unit to satisfy customer. -HQ
PART NUMBER OF CASSETTE DOOR The service manual, page 85 cassette door shown in drawing asNot Supplied. This part breaks. Substitution could be used if printingon other models with different features was not on this door. Had to takedoor from another unit to satisfy customer. -H
CHEWS TAPE INTERMITTENTLY Unit will chew tape, highly intermittently. Found the greaseon the shaft of the B gear assembly to be very sticky. It seems that asthe unit ages the grease thickens and restricts the rotation of the gear.
CHEWS TAPE INTERMITTENTLY Unit will chew tape, highly intermittently. Found the greaseon the shaft of the B gear assembly to be very sticky. It seems as theunit ages the grease thickens and restricts the rotation of the gear onthe shaft.

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