Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
Resultados 18945
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DIR MECHANISM MALFUNCTION When playing tape and DIR switch is pushed, it sounds likeboth sides of tape are being played.
WILL SKIP ON MCA "SEASCAPES" DISCS Unit will not play MCA disc Seascapes by Michael Jones butwould play other manufacturer's discs. This disc is thinner ply thanother discs and you can see through the data. The spindle was not in ahigh enough position to read disc correctly. Sounded li
CASSETTE RUNS FAST Cassette (A) runs too fast.
NO TURNTABLE OPERATION Turntable socket (CNJ-604) loose and not working.
INTERMITTENT NO AUDIO Intermittently, audio is very low on playback ICM.
BUZZING SOUND, APPLIED SILICON TO CASE OF T-602 Buzzing sound originating from T-602. This was an intermit-tent condition.
UNIT DOES NOT WORK AFTER MAIN BOARD IS REPLACED The unit does not work after the main board in either thebase or the handset is replaced. -HQ COMMENTS: The replacement boards have blank ID ROMS. Therefore,after replacing either the handset or base unit board, remove the ID ROMsfrom both old boards (
UNIT DOES NOT WORK AFTER MAIN BOARD IS REPLACED The unit does not work after the main board in either the baseor the handset is replaced. -HQ COMMENTS: The replacement boards have blank ID ROMS. Therefore,after replacing either the handset or base unit board, remove the ID ROMsfrom both old boards (
TV INTERMITTENTLY NO PICTURE, REPLACED S-151 Picture comes and goes intermittently.
INTERMITTENT PICTURE, REPLACED TUNER After warm-up, flashing noise would appear in picture. Ser-vicer was unable to locate bad solder connection in tuner.
UNIT DOES NOT WORK AFTER MAIN BOARD IS REPLACED The unit does not work after the main board in either the baseor the handset is replaced. -HQ COMMENTS: The replacement boards have blank ID ROMS. Therefore,after replacing either the handset or base unit board, remove the ID ROMsfrom both old boards (
DIRECT PICK UP, SEE SB TVP0101, 1-536-59161 Customer complaint of ghost bars on left side of screen whenwatching local channels on cable system. RF level from nearby transmit-ting tower is high.
IF UNIT DOES NOT WORK AFTER MAIN BOARD IS REPLACED The unit does not work after the main board in either thebase or the handset is replaced. -HQ COMMENTS: The replacement boards have blank ID ROMS. Therefore,after replacing either the handset or base unit board, remove the ID ROMsfrom both old boards (
INCORRECT LABELING OF ICS ON DECODER BOARD The service manual has IC-203 as the clock oscillator(SN74HCU04) and IC-204 as the wave shaper (SN74HC00N), the physical boardhas IC-203 as wave shaper and 204 as oscillator. -HQ COMMENTS: Make the necessary changes in the manual. A servicebulletin wil
DIRECT PICK UP, SEE SB TVP0101, NEW ANT COUPLER Customer complaint of ghost bars on left side of screen whenwatching local channels on cable system. RF level from nearby transmit-ting tower is high.

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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