Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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NO HORIZONTAL SYNC, REPLACED C504 Inoperative phase detector, 0vdc at pins 16, 17 and 18 ofIC-501. Found shorted C-504.
R-697 MISSING FROM THE SERVICE MANUAL, SEE SB # OO71 R-697 is not listed in either the schematic or the partslisting of the service manual. -HQ COMMENTS: This resistor is located between pin 6 of T-605 and pin 2of T-607. Please refer to Service Bulletin No. TVP0071 of Feb. 8, 1991for more information.
NO PICTURE - NO DISPLAY, REPAIRED CRACK ON "C" BOARD No picture and no display. Y/C inputs to IC-301/pins 3 and 5ok, but no RGB outputs. IC-301/pin 7 at 0.2vdc confirming IC-301 has pic-ture muted. IC-301/pin 25 IK pulse shows no red sample. RGB referencepulses present at inputs to C board, but red pul
R-697 ON G BOARD NOT LISTED, SB 0071 R-697 is not listed in either the schematic or in the partslist. -HQ COMMENTS: This resistor is located between pin 6 of T-605 and pin 2of T-607 on the G Board. Please refer to service bulletin No. TVP0071of Feb. 8, 1991 for more information.
NO DISCONNECT - WALLMOUNT When phone is hung-up (wallmount position), there is no chargeand no disconnect.
NO DISCONNECT - WALLMOUNT When phone is hung-up (wallmount position), there is no chargeand no disconnect.
WHEN TURNED ON, OPENS TWO INCHES - DEFECTIVE SW-105 When first turned on, tray would open about two inches, rotateand then all discs played all functions were ok. Did complete mechanicalalignment. Now every time a disc was selected, optical rack would go downok but the tray would open about two inches a
POWER ON BUT NO AUDIO VIDEO OUT Found missing 12 volt. Replaced IC-001 but this did not solvethe problem. Found that the original IC-001 was installed backwards, soreplacement was installed backwards. Also found R-003 as a 680 Ohmsresistor, but the service manual shows it at 3.3K.
UNIT WOULD NOT PLAY Unit would not play or open.
P-P WILL NOT SHUT OFF, RESOLDERED R-1705 When using remote control or front panel, unable to shut offP-P once you go into that function.
SET IS INOPERABLE, SEE SB # 071 AND 95R1 Unit had no high voltages.
PART NUMBER MISSING - CHUCKING ARM There is no part number for the chucking arm, although it isshown in the exploded view. What is the part numnber? -HQ COMMENTS: To Tokyo: Please supply the part number for the chuckingarm for this unit. Please also inform me of other units which use t
CAR'S DASH LIGHTS ARE LIT ALL THE TIME WHEN UNIT CONNECTED Vehicle originally had XE90 installed, and lights workedproperly. Dealer replaced XE90 with XE90MKII and now the dashboard lightsare lit constantly, even with the ignition off.
INTERMITTENT LOSS OF VIDEO (Location B-12) intermittent loss of video, sound and no sys-tem control functions, including unable to turn set On or Off wheneverproblem existed. Servicer had replaced both IC-101 and IC-103. Problemappeared to be a re-set condition. When I connecte
CD WON'T PLAY - NO FOCUS SEARCH The drawer would close and the BU assembly would come up tomeet the clamper assembly. No focus search would occur and loading motorwould continue to run.

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