Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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LEFT CHANNEL DISTORTED AT HIGHER VOLUME Left channel distorted only at higher volume. Found thatRT-701 bias control had no response on bias adjustment at all. Checkingfound that R-713 10 Ohm resistor was open.
RANDOM AUTOFOCUS AND ZOOM OPERATION Random autofocus and zoom operation. Found missing data frompin 51 and 52 SCK on IC-501.
CHARACTER GENERATOR NOT WORKING Character generator not working. Found IC-501 defective. Re-placing IC-501 restored video in data mode but no on-screen display.Found lack of OSD caused by no solder on pin 4 of CN-802.
NO PICTURE IN VIEWFINDER No picture in viewfinder and found C-171 shorted.
INTERMITTENT RECORD ATF Tapes recorded and this camera lost ATF lock on playback.Pre-recorded tapes playback ok.
PICTURE FADES OUT AFTER 10-15 MINUTES, NO HEATER VOLTAGE Unit would power up normally but after 10-15 minutes the pic-ture would fade out. Sound was normal. After picture was lost, scopingthe heater terminals on the C PCB showed no filament voltage to the CRT.
INTERMITTENT LOSS OF H OUT TRANSISTOR, REPLACE C-578 Short life for horizontal out transistors. May last from afew days to many months. Found C-578 decreased in value altering thedrive signal. -HQ COMMENTS: This is the decoupling cap located on the base of theHorizontal Drive transistor.
NO SOUND ON ONE CHANNEL, REPLACE C-466 No Sound on one channel. Speaker actualy got hot from internalshort. Replaced the speaker and unit returned to normal. Several monthslater unit returned with the same exact problem however this time C-466was found shorted. -HQ COMMENTS: C-466 is the DC
REPLACEMENT IC CAUSES DISTORTION IN OUTPUT After replacing the tone/power amp SI1125HD (P/N 8-759-301-25)with its perscribed replacement, the new IC produced noiseon the output. Tried another replacement and problem remained. Alsoremoved the capacitors as discribed in HI-FI bulletin 116 to no a
CHANNELS CONSTANTLY CHANGING As soon as power was turned on, channels would start changingdown as if you were holding the channel down button down.
NO FF/REWIND/PLAY Complaint of no tape movement on unit. Changing the MD-22board from another unit to this unit would make this unit operate ok. Thetechnician had inherited this unit from another technician with PH-001 andPH-002 out. He had installed the sensors by com
INTERMITTENT SHUT DOWN, REPLACED C-5058 (E BOARD) Unit would intermittently shut down. After finallydetermining it was in protect, the horizontal out transistor waveform wasmonitored. It was discovered to be distorting intermittently.
PART NUMBER FOR GEAR NOT SUPPLIED IN SERVICE MANUAL The gear shown beneath Reference No. 173 on page 22 of theservice manual is listed as not supplied.
INTERMITTENT/NO TAPE OPERATION TCWR808M with TA-808M. Installed larger cap C418. Unitpowered up but decks worked erratically. Found new Reg. board in TA808M.Open F-906 causing ripple to TC to be high. With F-906 fixed, mod. was notneeded. F-906 seems too small of a value. Blows when
INCORRECT PART NUMBER IN SERVICE MANUAL, IC-2 The part number in the service manual for IC-2 is incorrect.

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