Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

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blue screen KP53S35 serial number 9022580 Unit has blue screen swapped. Tapping on neck of blue CRT gives flashes of heave blue horizontal lines then returns to normal B&W Tracking. Unit will need a Blue CRT 8-733-497-05 Muller
blows fuses Sony KP53S35 RA-2 chassis. Unit looses PS601 and PS602 intermittently Factory upgrade. Replace C815, C897, 858, & 889 from a 1000mfd @ 35 vdc to a 470 md @ 35 vdc. Muller
black lines KP53V75 Unit has black lines that appear across the picture. Further talking to the customer reveals that they were wondering why when they operated this television it caused interference on other televisions in the house. This set appears to have a slight high voltage arc or corona discharge that is causing interference to other televisions. This arc is also causing problems in the video circuit which is why the tech and the customer are seeing it on the screen of this television. Tech needs to isolate the High voltage block, and CRT from possible suspect by one by one disconnecting them from the high voltage source. The only indicator the tech can use is another television and look for the interference to disappear, since the Sony will not allow the raster to appear if any one of the tubes is disconnected. After Muller
AUDIO Unit has no audio. IC404 has audio up to the input of IC404(2&4). Measuring the IC404(7, & 11) which are the outputs of the IC404 finds 1.3, & 32 vdc respectively. Each of these outputs must be exactly 50% of the B+ of IC404(9) which was 32 volts. Unit has defective IC404. TA8216 part # 8-759-246-70 Muller
AUDIO No audio. While in the process of servicing the set, the unit lost Green and blue convergence. Unit has a defective PS401 fuse and IC403 in the output stage. As for the convergence problem there is a loose connection between the ""A"" board and the ""G"". ""Muller
AUDIO . Unit has no audio. Tech ordered the ""A"" board under the SAYS program. Cannot get the EEPROM reader to read the data from the EEPROM to transfer the convergence alignment data from the old board to the new board. ""Suggest the tech check the PS401 fuse. It was open. Suggest tech to change the fuse and audio output IC IC401 instead of replacing the ""A"" board ""Muller
audio KP53V75 unit has no audio. IC404 has audio up to the input of IC404(2&4). Measuring the IC404(7, & 11) which are the outputs of the IC404 finds 1.3, & 32 vdc respectively. Each of these outputs must be exactly 50% of the B+ of IC404(9) which was 32 volts. Unit has defective IC404. TA8216 part # 8-759-246-70 Muller
audio KP53V75 Serial # 9018895. After the set is on for only a brief period of time there will be a slight Hiss that will come an go in the right channel audio. It can be heard even if the TV is placed in ""AUX"" mode, with no input the his is noticeable ""I have never heard of this symptom but since the television is under warranty and is covered in the S.A.Y.S. program then It would be best that the ""A"" board be replaced. Note to tech is that he must copy down the EPROM values or the tech will need to re-converge the set from scratch. ""Muller
audio KP53V45 No audio. While in the process of servicing the set the unit lost Green and blue have lost convergence. Unit has a defective PS401 fuse and IC403 in the output stage. As for the convergence problem there is a loose connection between the ""A"" board an the ""G"" ""Muller
arcing KP53V45 Unit has red tube that is arcing. Tech calling in for Red CRT Approval. CRT is Arcing in the Neck. Muller
A.C. HUM Sony KP53S65. Cust has two complaints. 1. Unit has low level AC hum when using an external amp connected to the variable/fixed or the monitor outputs of the television. The hum is present when the volume on the TV is muted or set to minimum, and the volume of the external is turned up 20%. The hum is quite noticeable at this level. 2. When using the variable/fixed outputs the set will not have left channel output. I had tech disconnect all connections (except to the variable/fixed output) to the rear of the set while in the condition mentioned in the first complaint. After all other inputs to the set was disconnected the CATV connection was the only connection remaining. When it was disconnected the hum disappeared. This indicated the trouble is caused by a ""Ground Loop"" This condition is caused by the CATV ground is a different potential than the rest of the equipment. This may not be able to be corrected without an electrician checking the customer electrical neutral and ground connections in the customer house wiring. We can simply solve the trouble by having the CATV company installing a ""ground breaker"" in series with the CATV feed. 2. The no output to the left channel output is caused by a torn trace at the left output connector for the variable/fixed outputs. ""Muller
wrong color The picture turns a reddish or pinkish cast after 20 minutes This is intermittent. Pix flashes upside down then back to normal. This takes about 20 minutes but can be accelerated by heating the IC301 with a heat gun. defective Jungle IC chip IC301 Muller
verticalPix flashes upside down then back to normal. This take defective Jungle ic301?. Muller
smear KP53S15 Unit has a green smear When tapping on green CRT the picture the picture will smear. Tapping Muller
SHUTSDOWN Sony KP53V35 RA-1. Unit shut down as soon as set is turned on. Tech ordered R865 and D814 because they were shorted After parts were installed a new symptom was evident. ""Unit turns on but enters shutdown after the tube warm up. CRT's get bright with ret ""Unit had torn trace on E board that connects the 200 vdc line to CN708(7) which connects to the CR board. Apparently the traces were accidentally torn in the process of moving the chassis around. Repairing the traces corrected the symptom. Muller

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