Dicas Reparação SONY

Modelo - Chassis

Pesquisa: SONY Enviar Dica Resolvida
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PICTURE SHRINKAGE, REPLACED R520 Picture shrinks about 1/4 inch - 1/2 inch at the top of thescreen.
PART NUMBER FOR THE CONTROL "L" CABLE 3 PIN TO 3 PIN What is the part number for the three pin to three pin controlL cable in the RME-300?
ABNORMAL TRACKING When trying to advance to the last track of the YEDs 18 disc(track 22), the laser would advance to the outer edge, the disc would stopspinning, the laser would go back to the limit switch and then advance totrack 22 and play.
TECH TIP FOR SERVICING WITH MODE SELECTOR III When working on CCD-F55s, there is no way to hook up the load-ing motor to the mode selector. Technical Department is researching aboutgetting a connector which could hook two cables to the mode selector.
INCORRECT PART NUMBER FOR SPRING - REFERENCE NO. 12 The part number for reference No. 12 of exploded view on page21 of service manual is incorrect.
WRONG PART NUMBER LISTED IN S/M FOR VR-101 This part is the bank of slide pots for the EQ and the Volume.When this part is ordered, the part received is a 2-gang rotary pot. Thepart received is the balance control for a TC-WR510. Please providecorrect P/N. -HQ COMMENTS: Tokyo Fax A910094: P/N
UNIT DOES NOT THREAD/UNTHREAD TAPE Unit would not thread/unthread tape by supplying external DCvoltage to threading motor. Relay gear assembly would slip and chatter.Noticed that the shaft on which this gear assembly mounts on was pushedupwards and didn't enter the hole designated for it
DEAD Power light comes on for approximately 15 seconds then shutsdown. No switched 12V and 13 volts from pins 7 and 9 of IC-501 regulator.
NO AUDIO ALARM/BUZZER FROM KEYBOARD- NO BEEPS Audio buzzer not functioning from keyboard - no beeps.
KEYBOARD DEAD OR WILL NOT TAKE KEY INPUT Keyboard dead. Will not react to any key input.
LOOPBACK TEST STOPS AUTOMATICALLY AFTER 1 TRANSMISSION While in service mode and running a loopback test (TX/RXtest), the test will automatically stop after sending only 1 transmission(3 min).
NO RECEIVE/SNA DOES TURN OFF/NO ERROR CODES The keyboard's SATELLITE NOT AVAILABLE LED will turn offwhich means the receiver is locked and able to receive.However, the system will not receive any message even though SNA LED isoff and system is currently in service. No error codes are displayed.
KEYBOARD LOSES POWER/DISPLAY WHEN BUMPED When keyboard is bumped or exposed to vibration, the unitloses power/display and will restart itself back to self-diagnostics (start up routine). This is being caused by an intermittentconnection in the prom socket. This is due the nature of a LOCK IN
KEYBOARD WILL NOT FUNCTION The keyboard keys will not function. Unable to input specifickeys that stick.
SYSTEM IS STUCK IN "SELF-DIAGNOSTICS" SCREEN Upon powering system up, the keyboard normally displays self-diagnostics. After completion of self-diagnostics, the keyboard willdisplay the transmit menu. On these units, the system did not allow exitfrom the self-diagnostics screen and was stuck in t

Assistência TécnicaAs dicas apresentadas destinam-se a técnicos de eletrónica, a tentativa de reparação ou assistência sem ter conhecimentos de eletricidade e eletrónica, podem provocar danos mais graves aos equipamentos e, devido a tensões muito elevadas em alguns circuitos, graves danos fisicos que podem constituir um risco em determinadas reparações.

Não arrisque reparar equipamentos com tensões elevadas se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos para o fazer em segurança.

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